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maandag 8 juli 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE ITALY SICILIA - news journal UPDATE - (en) Italy, Sicilia Libertaria: NO MOVE. The Americans don't want to leave anymore (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 The NO MUOS 2024 campsite will be held on 2, 3 and 4 August as always at

the Ulmo district garrison (Niscemi) close to the US Marine base. The
program is being defined; at present only the assembly of the groups
fighting against the war is certain, and of course the procession on the
4th afternoon from the garrison to gate 1 of the base. Various proposals
are being considered, from a meeting with Kurdish women to one on
environmental struggles, from a debate on education and war to one
against borders. In the next issue we will provide the definitive
program, which will also be available on the nomuos.info website.

Meanwhile, the mobilizations against the war and against the genocide of
the Palestinian people continue; one of the latest took place in Catania
on 19 May, called by the Catania Committee of Solidarity with the
Palestinian People, with a strong presence of the Arab community of
Etna. In Palermo on May 27, citizen assembly against global war promoted
by the No War Assembly; in Rome, at the Verano gardens (Spazio Barbara
Deming Verano stage), from 31 May to 2 June, within the Eirene fest, the
exhibition "10 years NO MUOS" will be exhibited. The Eirene Fest is a
project supported with funds from the Waldensian Church and is dedicated
to themes such as anti-fascism, pacifism, environmentalism,
anti-militarism etc.; in Ragusa on 10 June public assembly in the square
against the genocide of the Palestinian people called by the No Wars

The following is a document recovered from the counter-information;
talks to us about the development of the MUOS project, its strengthening
for the wars of the future. It tells us, above all, how the Americans
are firmly and calmly placed on our territory and have no intention of
evicting. They consider themselves at home, because here they are
allowed to do their dirty work.

Budget constraints delay Space Force efforts on narrowband satellites

For military area

April 3, 2024

The launch of the Space Force's next Mobile User Targeting System
satellite will be postponed to fiscal year 2031 from fiscal year 30,
C4ISRNET has learned.

The schedule change is tied to a decision to shift funding to
higher-priority programs and a longer-than-expected process to choose
whether Boeing or Lockheed Martin will build the satellites.

"This was a life-changing event," Space Systems Command spokesman Edgar
Nava said in an April 1 email. "The expected launch date of the first
MUOS satellite is expected to be moved to FY31 due to delay in contract
award and service funding priorities."

MUOS satellites provide global voice and data capabilities to military
forces. Spacecraft operate in a narrow-band frequency range that makes
them less susceptible to harsh weather or terrain, variables that can
affect a satellite's performance. The line is also ideal for secure data

The Space Force has four operational MUOS satellites in orbit and one
spare, all built by Lockheed Martin. Each carries two payloads: one that
maintains a legacy ultra-high-frequency network and another that offers
a new high-bandwidth code-splitting multiple access capability. The
system offers 10 times the capacity of its predecessor, called the UHF
Follow-on system.

The Navy, which is a major user of satellites, oversaw the program for
years before it was transferred to the Space Force following the
service's creation in 2019.

The Space Force is developing a long-overdue strategy for what
capability MUOS will follow, but in the meantime it plans to launch two
more satellites to keep the constellation operational until at least 2035.

In January, the service awarded Lockheed and Boeing a $66 million
contract each to design prototypes of the two spacecraft by July 2025.
The Space Force had planned to choose one of the two companies by the
end of fiscal 2025 to build the satellites, but that decision was
postponed until fiscal year 26.

The service's fiscal year 25 budget includes $228 million for the
effort, about $200 million less than the Space Force budgeted for the
previous year. That funding appears to shift into subsequent years, and
the service expects to need nearly $2.5 billion for the life extension
program between fiscal year 26 and fiscal year 29.

As the Space Force develops its future narrowband communications plans,
it is evaluating how to integrate commercial satellites as part of that.
This analysis, which began last May and conducted by the Space Combat
Analysis Center, is expected to be completed this year.

International allies are also helping define the requirements for the

Courtney Albon is an emerging space and technology journalist at
C4ISRNET. You have been covering the U.S. Army since 2012, focusing on
the Air Force and Space Force. You have reported on some of the
Department of Defense's most significant policy, budgetary and
acquisition challenges.

Meanwhile, on the night between 29 and 30 May a fire broke out inside
the US base; the dry vegetation caught fire, creating strong columns of
smoke; a military helicopter contributed to the firefighting. Nothing is
known about the causes, but perhaps the Americans thought they were
setting fire to the brushwood in violation of the ban on carrying out
such dangerous operations within the Sughereta.

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