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dinsdag 16 juli 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE UKRAÏNE - ANIMALS - Russian sniper shoots at Ukraine vet trying to save a cat’s life!


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The war in Ukraine is getting worse, and animals are in desperate need: 
A personal message from NFA Executive Director

Please donate now

Dear friends,

The war in Ukraine is having a devastating effect on countless thousands of dogs, cats and other animals. As the Russians advance and increasingly attack civilian targets, more people are abandoning their animals as they flee the violence.

Left alone, terrified and hungry, these poor creatures are in desperate need of help, at a time when less and less people seem to care.

Credit: EPA

Last week I visited four Ukraine war zones, places where death can rain from a clear blue sky in a single instant. While working in Dnipro, the Russians started bombing so close that my translator’s car window was shattered. I was scared, but I knew what to do to have a chance of surviving. But for abandoned animals in the war zone, they can do nothing but shiver in terror and wait for death to strike. Can you imagine how terrified they must be?

Russian troops are advancing daily, leaving destruction and dead and dying animals in their wake.

Credit: NFA/David Barritt

Innocent animals caught in the Ukraine war urgently need our help. Will you help us rescue them?

After experiencing the horrors of the war zone firsthand, I can tell you that the animals urgently need the support of every animal-lover who can afford to donate towards their plight.

A sniper shot at our partner vet as she was operating on a cat she rescued from a bomb site. She carried on working despite the danger and saved the cat’s life! 

Our partners are astonishingly brave. Not many people dare go to the frontline, but our teams’ do. They drive, sometimes for 19 hours, on ruined roads to the heart of the battle, always under threat of attack. When they reach the battleground, they enter bombed buildings to rescue and treat dogs, cats and any other injured, abandoned animals, often encountering the dead bodies of both humans and animals.

Recently, while our vet was operating on an injured cat, a sniper shot out the window in front of her. She and the cat are lucky to be alive. Watch our video to see the rescue.

Credit: NFA/Dejan Radic

Some estimates say that only ten people dare to venture into the thick of the fighting to save animals: We are working with three of them. Network for Animals promised we would be in Ukraine until the war ended and we are still there when many other organizations have left. No matter how bad it gets, we will remain – because the animals rely on us, and we exist to help them.

Our partners tell us that people are losing their compassion for animal victims of war, and as donations dwindle, we face the serious risk of being overwhelmed by a flood of animals in desperate need.

In times of war, animals always come last; without animal-lovers like us, the animals would have no-one to turn to. We must continue our vital work, but we can’t save lives without your help.

Credit: NFA/Dejan Radic

Now is the time for animal-lovers to band together and stand with Ukraine’s animals. Join us on our mission to save lives by donating generously today!

NFA has been active in Ukraine since the war broke out, helping to rescue countless creatures large and small. We have bought three animal ambulances, helped rescue and treat thousands of dogs and cats, and provided ton after ton of crucial food, but it’s still not enough. Russian troops are advancing every day, causing even more animals to be injured and displaced.

As bombs fall and donations dry up, the need continues to grow. Right now, we are desperately trying to find the funds to expand a dog shelter, enlarge a cat shelter, find a sanctuary for horses, pigs and 100 dogs, get fuel for our partners to continue vital rescue operations, provide transport cages for 800 dogs stuck in Kharkiv, and deliver food to 236 rescued cats.

I have no idea how we are going to do it, but like our brave volunteers, we will find a way – because it needs to be done.

Credit: NFA/Dejan Radic

You can help by donating to Network for Animals right now.

The war is dragging on, but that is not the fault of the animals who are simply caught in the crossfire. These innocent creatures only have kind-hearted souls like you and I to rely on for help, so please donate right now and show the animals of Ukraine that there are still people who care about them.

Please donate now

For the animals,

IMAGINE the FEAR and PAIN… a happy little dog… abandoned by her family… then brutally hit by a car and left to cry, suffer and die. 5

David Barritt
Executive Director
Network for Animals

P.S. Every donation we can use to help Ukraine’s animals, no matter how big or small, is a sorely-needed act of compassion in what can seem like a wicked world. Please show Ukraine’s animals some much-needed kindness by donating generously today.

Banner credit: Al Jazeera

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