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dinsdag 9 juli 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE SOUTH AMERICA BRAZIL - news journal UPDATE - (en) Brazil, UNIPA, Causa do Povo #82 - May 1st and workers' tasks (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]


The spirit of May Day is the spirit of working class insurrection. The
date was born out of the struggle of workers in Chicago, USA in 1886,
who fought to reduce their working hours, focusing on 8am and responded
to police violence, leading to deaths on both sides. The capitalist
state needed to hold someone accountable and chose some anarchist
leaders from Chicago. Some were hanged, leading to protests in all parts
of the world. ---- Since then, May 1st has become a day of mourning, in
memory of the martyrs of Chicago, but also of the struggle of our class
that uses the date to demand better living conditions, but also to
organize and propagate strategies to combat the capitalism.

Internationalism and solidarity as responses to wars and violence

The colonial occupation of Palestine by Israel is a residue of the
colonialist backwardness imposed by the economic center countries,
especially the USA and England, but not only. Thus, the struggle for the
liberation of Palestine must, or should, be at the forefront of the May
1st mobilizations. But that's not what's happening.

In Brazil, the May 1st acts called by the Official Trade Union Centers
do not point to the liberation of the Palestinian people as a flag, nor
as a slogan. The lack of solidarity and internationalism politically
empty these acts of any class politics, exposing the systemic
integration of these centers into the bourgeois State.

We understand that one of the tasks of the May 1st demonstrations is to
defend the liberation of the Palestinian people and the accountability
of Israel, especially Netanyahu, for the genocide carried out in the

The large demonstrations of popular pressure held at several
universities in the USA. Such demonstrations at other times called into
question the Vietnam war and US support for the Apartheid regime in
South Africa.

The insurrectionary spirit of the Brazilian working class keeps the May
1st flame alive

There are strikes in the civil service, Federal Institutes of Education,
federal Universities, public education networks, in addition to several
resistance strikes, especially by app delivery people, demonstrating
that this is the most dynamic sector of contemporary capitalism.

But in addition to the strikes, the working class has shown a
willingness to fight without conciliation. Expressions of this are the
struggles of education workers in Ceará, who face the Elmano/PT
government and the official union APEOC/CTB. In an assembly held in
March, in which they were waiting to vote on the start of a strike, the
union leadership did not put it to a vote, leading the masses to revolt,
culminating in a shower of chairs against the president of the union.

In São Paulo, something similar happened. Despite the strong indignation
of the category with the government of the reactionary Tarcisio/PR and
the willingness to fight, the management of APEOESP/PT did not put the
proposal to a vote, also leading to great indignation in the category.

This insurrectionary spirit is the spirit of May Day, the international
date of struggle of the working class. But it is necessary to move from
pure indignation to autonomous organization

But beyond that, May 1st marks international solidarity between workers,
this class that produces everything and is left with so little.
Therefore, it is the task of the various socialist currents to show
solidarity with the struggles against colonialism and imperialism, such
as the struggle of the Palestinian people against the Israeli occupation
army, against imperialist expansions and wars, such as the attempted
expansion of NATO into the Ukraine and Russia's war against this nation,
Turkey's war against the Kurdish people. But also, observe and learn
from the expressions of what appears to be a new anti-colonial cycle in

The task that we highlighted in the International Platform of
Revolutionary Anarchism, of building a Class Internationalist Tendency,
remains. As long as the international working class does not organize
itself in a trend of this type, without connection with States, we will
continue to carry out resistance unionism, surviving capitalist
barbarism, but we must move forward, get out of the strategic defensive
imposed on us by capitalism, social-democratic reformism and one of its
main weapons, political realism. It is necessary to take a qualitative
leap, enter the stage of strategic offensive against capitalism and its
managers. It will take time, but we will remain organized and fighting
for economic socialism and political federalism!


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