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vrijdag 23 augustus 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE BULGARIA - news journal UPDATE - (en) Bulgaria, FAB: 2024 as Orwell's 1984 - News from abroad (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 Here are some news stories centered around the technological advances

that are about to make Orwell's dystopia a reality. ---- "Protect us
from artificial intelligence!" ---- Microsoft's president warned that
the life depicted in George Orwell's 1984 "could be a reality in 2024"
if lawmakers don't protect us from artificial intelligence. ----- I am
constantly reminded of George Orwell's lessons from his book 1984. It's
actually a story about a government that can see and hear everything
everyone does and says... This didn't happen in 1984, but if we're not
careful, it could happen in 2024.

Brad Smith to the BBC
As we might expect from a member of the ruling class, Smith's
prescription is primarily more power for his own government:

It all boils down to the fact that this is a race, this is a competition
and we are in it... Will you help us win this competition or become our
opponents? In China, there is no system of government like here. Could
the AI arms race lead to conflict with China? It's entirely possible.

All this could have been prevented with the help of cooperation between
the two empires. But the experience of history and observations of
geopolitical processes indicate that their pursuit of world domination
will lead to a new world war rather than cooperation in world control.

Cameras that capture emotions
Chinese authorities are testing a video camera on representatives of the
Uyghur minority in Xinjiang to determine a person's emotional state
using artificial intelligence and facial recognition technologies, the
BBC reported, quoted by BGNES.

The camera is installed three meters from the person. It looks like a
lie detector, but much more advanced... The Chinese government uses
Uyghurs as experimental rats in a laboratory... The anonymous expert
told how the artificial intelligence is tuned to recognize even fleeting
changes in facial expressions and the condition of skin pores. According
to him, it looks like a colored pie chart on a monitor screen, with red
sectors indicating negative mood or anxiety. The expert claims that
unsupported judgments about people are made on this basis.

Much of this data goes into a computer system called the Integrated
Operating Platform, which aims to flag suspicious people... The system
considers as suspicious dozens of actions that are perfectly legal: for
example, if a person prefers to leave his house through the back door or
charging his own car

Chinese Big Brother

The government will be able to accumulate a huge amount of information
about each person, his political activities, relationships with other
people ... everything that makes it possible to predict his behavior and
the potential threat to the legally established order that he represents

China is said to be home to about half of the world's nearly 800 million
CCTV cameras. There are also a number of smart cities, such as
Chongqing, where artificial intelligence is integrated into the urban

You leave the house, enter the elevator and the camera immediately
captures you. They are everywhere... When I call a taxi, the company
gives my ride details to the authorities. If I go to a coffee shop to
sit with friends, it becomes known because the coffee shop also has a camera

The task of revolutionaries
Undoubtedly, the Chinese authorities are ahead of the US and Europe in
providing technological and repressive control over their subjects. But
the new "conservative" tendencies in the West and the East, stimulated
by the ever-increasing contradictions between the empires, are clearly
leading the West in this direction as well.

The revolutionaries' task is to find countermeasures against police
surveillance and control technologies. The camera sabotage of the late
20th century will give way to new means of resisting authority.
Otherwise, we are doomed to experience a new world war instead of a

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