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vrijdag 23 augustus 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE SPAIN - news journal UPDATE - (en) Spain, CNT #437: From those muds, these schools - Cristina Cobo Hervás (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

July 1936. The fascist side strikes bodies and territories, destroying
resistance and bleeding the land. The ideological apparatus is set in
motion, because from the beginning it is clear that this will not only
be a political war, but one of intentions. And minds are the first thing
that must be tamed. ---- Parallel to the battles, the purges of any
group that in any way threatens the normative status of what will be the
new Spain begin. Already in a decree of December 10, 1936, José María
Pemán, president of the commission of culture and education, warned:
«The character of the purge that is being pursued today is not only
punitive, but also preventive. It is necessary to guarantee the Spanish
people that with arms in hand and without hesitation of sacrifices and
blood they will save the cause of civilization, that it will not be
tolerated again, nor will it be protected and subsidized the poisoners
of the popular soul, the first and greatest responsible for all the
crimes and destruction that overwhelm the world today and have sown with
mourning the majority of the honest homes of Spain.

And thus began the so-called "expedients of purging the teaching
Etymologically, "to purge" comes from the Latin depurare, which
literally means "to clean, to purify." Thus, a blind Hercules
brandishing a yoke, arrows and a red and yellow flag diverted the course
of history to empty what for some was fertile slime of wisdom and for
others secular indoctrination and disbelief in traditional values. Tens
of thousands of teachers suffered sanctions of one kind or another,
relegated, removed from their posts, fined, shot. And it is inevitable
to remember the sad dignity of Fernando Fernán Gómez in «La Lengua de
las Mariposas» (Rafael Azcona, 1999), immaculate suit and look already
forgotten, titanorrinco, espiritutrompa!!, love and fear between stones
and rifles.
Experiments in pedagogical renewal, rationalist and anarchist schools,
casinos, any hint of progress was crushed, silenced. The libertarian
athenaeums, «the school of idealists, where the men and women of
tomorrow are forged» (Mauro Bajatierra), were erased from history with a
stroke of the pen, like invisible ink.

The more than half a million purge files can be consulted in an
extensive bibliography, in which "Teachers of the Republic, the other
saints, the other martyrs" by Maria Antonia Iglesias stands out, and in
documentary databases such as the one prepared by the association
"Innovation and Human Rights" (IHR World).

The dictatorship was fully aware from the beginning of the role of
education as a basis for the indoctrination of the population.
Indoctrinate, invade minds, annul... And almost ninety years have passed
and we have to listen to rotten mouths, heirs with raised arms, once
again accuse the teaching staff of wanting to allow people to think
freely, when their tools are still the same, with the same sharp edge,
with the same blade... The schools, as the axis of transmission of
Francoism, gave Catholic institutions cassocks and rosaries in the
classrooms, hypocritical prayers and heads bowed at desks of wood and
ink. But even so, aware of the need to exercise control from within, the
Law on the provision of positions in the State Administration with
mutilated people, ex-combatants and ex-captives was decreed in 1939.
Hundreds of former soldiers without training or previous teaching
experience formed, together with priests and nuns, the new national
teaching body, pure and pristine, armed with the bible and the staff.
The letter enters with blood.

Everything is wrong. From the training of the future teaching body and
the public opposition process, where memory prevails over know-how, to
schools that have never been public, but state-run, and a teaching body
that sells its soul to any publisher as long as it brings a digital
whiteboard under its arm.

And that is how we learned to obey.
And we learned it better than anyone else. The role of women as
reproductive agents and support for the man of the new national
Catholicism was already being trained in the few female training spaces.
Our new role as daughter, wife and mother was made explicit in the new
pedagogical currents, as described by Adolfo Maillo García: "The problem
of female education requires a new approach (...) First of all, a return
to the healthy tradition that saw women as daughters, wives and mothers
is required, and not the pedantic 'intellectual' that tries in vain to
equal men in the domains of Science. 'Everything in its place.' And the
woman's place is not the forum, nor the workshop or the factory, but the
home, taking care of the house and the children, of the first and
fundamental habits of her volitional life and providing the husband with
a gentle light of spirituality and love in his leisure time." The
Women's Section, under the motto Women for God, for the country and for
the home, kept a sharp eye on compliance with the maxims of the Primary
Education Law that was in force until 1970, which regulated the
educational stages up to Baccalaureate, not recommended for the female
mind: "Women have an obligation to know everything that we could call
the feminine part of life; domestic science is perhaps their
baccalaureate" (Pilar Primo de Rivera).

For forty years, Spanish schools were the guarantor of the formation of
the so-called national spirit, with religious and military institutions
parasitizing children's minds. In 1979, seeing its status and influence
in danger, the Holy See urged the government of a forgetful and
condescending transition to sign the so-called "Concordat", a series of
rules that were agreed in secret and that establish aspects such as that
"(...) In any case, the education that is imparted in public educational
centers will be respectful of the values of Christian ethics" (Title I).
In this way, the obligation to impart Catholic religion in all public
centers is regulated, as well as the freedom for the hiring and
selection of the people responsible for imparting this doctrine, of
course, with public money and without going through any selective
process other than that of the finger of the religious leader on duty.
And this concordat has never been modified, nor even proposed for its
repeal. All this within the framework of a supposedly non-denominational
and secular state.

As the final straw for educational dimorphism, the government of Felipe
González, wearing a corduroy jacket, prevented the necessary
emancipation of schools from the crucifix that still presided over the
classrooms by creating the network of subsidized schools in 1985, a
teaching model that guaranteed the continuity of the private religious
centers of Franco's regime, of course, now financed with public money,
and which have now become the elitist refuge of the aspirational middle

And the fact is that everything is wrong in the educational field.
Everything is distorted and covered with a false patina of modernity,
when the reality is that schools are far from being places of true
learning. The governments in power are busy writing their own
regulations, taking turns in the process of driving aspiring teachers
crazy by writing educational laws that, in most cases, only differ in
punctuation marks.

Everything is wrong. From university training plans for future teaching
staff, mostly taught by people who have never had direct contact with
classrooms of any kind, to the public opposition process, where memory
takes precedence over know-how, to schools that have never been public,
but state-run, and a teaching staff that sells its soul to any publisher
as long as it brings a digital whiteboard under its arm. A teaching
staff that is mostly sheepish, unaware that schools have become centres
for the production of unqualified mass workers, without the right to
think. And while women are murdered and "faggot" continues to be the
most popular word in the playgrounds, we are full of plans for equality
and diversity that most of the time are limited to covering the schools
with white and purple ribbons, but that do not cause the social impact
necessary to provoke change.

The solution, however, is presumed to be simple. Let us make our mind a
school. In the face of what they tell us, what we think. Let us be

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