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vrijdag 23 augustus 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE EU - news journal UPDATE - (en) Italy, UCADI #187 - In the EU, a tripartite right (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 Viktor Orbán opened the ball rolling by forming the Patriots group in

the European Parliament. The initial core of Hungarians, Austrians and
Slovaks has been gradually joined by another 84 parliamentarians (for
now), forming the third largest group. AfD, instrumentally marginalized
by the other right-wing parties, has not stood by and watched; it is
forming its own group; the ones paying the price for it are the
so-called Conservatives of Prime Minister Meloni, reduced to the bare
bones. More than a maneuver aimed at playing a role in the upcoming
elections for the top positions in the Union, this frenetic activity of
apparent differentiation is aimed at preparing the tools that will allow
the right to do politics in the European Union.

Act separately, strike together

Undoubtedly, the parties of the European right as a whole have achieved
great success in the recent elections for Parliament. but the numbers
are not enough, neither for a majority, nor to constitute the external
support for a possible coalition to govern the Union and this is because
many faces present in this composite aggregation of remnants of old and
new parties, regurgitated from the sewers, stinks so much as to be
unpresentable and unmanageable. And so it is necessary to develop a
strategy that, taking into account the reciprocal specificities, allows
the right-wing parties, while acting separately, to strike together when
necessary. If this explains the constitution of the various aggregates:
to understand their function, it is necessary to analyze their
composition. As a result of the election results, the Parliament is
composed of 188 MEPs of the EPP, 136 Socialists, 84 of Orbán's Patriots
of Europe, 78 of ECR, 76 of Renew, 53 Greens and 46 of The Left, and
others who still have to find their place. The Patriots of Europe, which
has become the third group with 12 parties for 84 seats: Fidesz,
Rassemblement National, Lega, Vox, PVV, Vlaams Belang, ANO 2011, Chega,
Fpö, Danish Democratic Party, Voice of Reason and Latvia First.
Taking into account that the D'Hondt method is used to distribute the
positions within the European Parliament. From this it follows that as
regards the appointment of vice-presidents: the EPP is entitled to 4,
the Socialists 3, the Patriots 2 as well as ECR, while Renew, Greens and
The Left will have to settle for one. The same goes for the five
Quaestors, an administrative role but which is also responsible for
financial management of the MEPs. The EPP will have two, while one each
will be appointed by the Socialists, Patriots and Conservatives.
The situation is even more delicate in the parliamentary Commissions,
which are 20 and to which are added 4 sub-commissions. Even the
Presidents of the individual Commissions, where the proposed laws are
written, debated and modified in the first instance, are redistributed
with the D'Hondt method, but the order of the choices in this case is
extremely important. Each Commission can be more or less attractive for
each party or country based on various factors: the dossiers discussed,
the importance of the issues at a global level, but also at a national
level, the funds available, the number of members needed to approve the
measures of interest. Directing the work, knowing the agenda before
others, means being able to choose and formulate one's own opinion,
increasing the chances that it will prevail; the numerical presence is
of great importance in order to express or influence the President.
According to the new composition of the groups, the EPP should have 7
committee or subcommittee presidents, the Socialists 5, Patriots, ECR
and Renew 3, Greens 2 and The Left 1. If we focus on Patriots and ECR,
we note that the former will be able to express the fourth, thirteenth
and nineteenth choice, while the latter will be entitled to the fifth,
fourteenth and twenty-third choice. The differences in position in
relation to the numerical consistency of the group is fundamental
because the greater the difference in seats, the greater the possibility
of having more positions and being able to choose. In addition, each
group, within a Commission, nominates its own coordinator whose
positions will have a weight that will depend on the number of MEPs they

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