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vrijdag 23 augustus 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE RUSSIA - news journal UPDATE - (en) Russia, AIT: Pacifists protest against Russian conscription raids (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 The European Bureau for Conscientious Objectors, War Resisters

International, the International Fellowship of Reconciliation and
Connection e.V. have strongly condemned the raids, arrests and
recruitment carried out by the Russian authorities in Moscow from 25 to
27 May this year. ---- The statement of pacifist organizations, which we
reprint without comment, says, in particular: ---- "We call on the
Russian authorities to fully respect the human right to conscientious
objection to military service. From May 25 to 27, in Moscow, police
officers, with the participation of the military commissariat and the
Unified Recruiting Station (EPP), conducted raids and detained
approximately 40-60 people of draft age. After the detention, citizens
aged 18 to 30 were taken to the collection point, which is located at 3
Ugreshskaya Street, Building 6.

Both the draft board and the EPP recognized these people as conscripts.
Most of the detainees were found conditionally fit for military service
- category B. They filed complaints with the Moscow draft board or the

The recruiting station employees committed gross violations. Including
the constitutional right of citizens to judicial protection of their
rights and freedoms was violated.

The detainees were literally locked in the premises of the collection
point point, shaved under duress, dressed in military uniforms and
informed that they now had the status of conscripts. In addition, legal
representatives and lawyers were not allowed inside. Subsequently, some
were taken to the territory of the military unit "Mosrentgen",
presumably the 27th Guards Motor Rifle Brigade.

Since the first day of the raids, the Movement of Conscientious
Objectors (DSO) has been providing assistance to conscripts and their
parents. The Movement stated that their lawyers and volunteers are
working in the area of the assembly point in Moscow."

The statement further said that the protesting organizations "stand in
solidarity with conscientious objectors in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine"
and provide "support to these people as part of the #ObjectWar Campaign"


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