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vrijdag 23 augustus 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE FRANCE - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, UCL AL #351 - Antipatriarchy, LGBTIphobia: The RN faces women and gender minorities (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]


The far right claims, at the gates of power, to have broken with some of
its traditional positions: inferiority of women and control of their
bodies, natural division of tasks, complementarity of the sexes, etc.
The speeches for the 2022 presidential election in order to recover
women's votes have worked to a certain extent, but they nevertheless
come up against a completely different reality. Right to abortion, PMA,
transphobia, family: the RN attacks our rights, our autonomy and our
freedom to dispose of our bodies[15]

While Marine Le Pen no longer seems to question the right to abortion,
she nevertheless continues her attacks by regularly refusing to
facilitate its access, or by accommodating allies who are radically
opposed to it. Her statements in 2012 on the delisting of abortion or
so-called "convenience abortions", her support for Viktor Orbán
(Hungary) or Mateusz Morawiecki (Poland) are all examples that show what
she would do once in power. Marine Le Pen hides behind strategic changes
of facade. In 2022, for example, she opposed the law providing for the
extension of the time limit from 12 to 14 weeks. On the
constitutionalization of the right to abortion, one RN MP in five voted
against and one senator in three, not to mention their numerous abstentions.

The pro-natalist policy defended by the RN is incompatible with easier
access to abortion and contraception[2]. Certain passages from the RN's
family booklet in 2022 are very instructive because the birth rate is
seen as the continuity of the nation, and the perpetuation of our
civilization. This vision has concrete consequences on the RN's
political projections, particularly from the point of view of our future
social regressions. Thus, on the issue of pensions, Bardella said: "The
babies of 2023 are the contributors of 2043", and Sébastien Chenu
declared in 2023: "I prefer that we manufacture French workers rather
than import them". Femonationalist theses are thus on the rise at the
RN. They propel the cause of women in the service of racism and white
nationalism, by claiming that the only enemies of women would be
migrants from the Global South, Muslims, men from working-class
neighborhoods and from immigrant backgrounds[3].

Hatred of LGBTI people
The RN knows that it cannot strategically oppose for the moment the
rights conquered long ago and cemented in public opinion. But on more
recent, fragile or still to be conquered rights, their position is
clearer. This is the case with LGBTI rights: in 2020, party officials
marched against medically assisted procreation extended to female
couples and single women, and Marine Le Pen herself opposed it,
allegedly for "legal reasons"[4]. Last year, the RN created an
association to fight against "wokism", including "LGBT propaganda in
schools"[5]. These positions are further clarified in light of their
international alliances. In the European Parliament, the RN is giving a
thumbs up to the far-right Italian and Hungarian parties, both in
power[6]. However, Fratelli d'Italia began last year to cancel the
family ties of women who had recourse to medically assisted
procreation[7], and is now bringing anti-abortion activists into Family
Planning[8]. As for Fidesz, with its nationalist-natalist positions, in
2021 it banned the "promotion" of homosexuality towards Hungarian
minors[9], via propaganda taken up by Marine Le Pen herself, referring
to "sexual proselytism".

Above all, the RN is now fiercely attacking the rights of trans people,
and is thus aligning itself with the "culture war" strategy that has
made half of the USA a hell for them. In the wake of the Republicans'
bill against trans minors[10], the RN tabled a similar one in the
National Assembly[11]. During the session, RN senator Stéphane Ravier,
clearly comfortable with the propaganda elements of the anti-trans
network, claimed that "trans minors do not exist", speaking of a
"delusion" that would "bring down all anthropological limits" such as
the family[12].

The RN's refusal to let us freely dispose of our bodies is accompanied
by anti-social positions, which are also inherently anti-feminist. The
unions publish analyses of the social imposture of the extreme
right[13]. If the RN seeks to consolidate a false image of empathy with
the most precarious women, its positions remain clear. Salaries,
retirement, employee representation, public service, employment, gender
equality (contesting the reality of salary inequalities and wishing to
exclude, for example, career breaks from measurement criteria),
everything is regression. All these anti-feminist and anti-social
positions of the RN make it the party most permeable to masculinist

Anne (UCL Montpellier) and Chloé (UCL Grenoble)

[1]See the column published on May 23, 2024: "The RN is the enemy of women".

[2]Mediapart: "Birth rate, an obsession of the extreme right".

[3]Contretemps Review: "Racism in the name of women" and the book "The
new women of the right" by Magali Della Sudda.

[4]Robin D'Angelo, "The National Rally marches against PMA for all",
lejdd.fr, January 19, 2020.

[5]AFP, "RN elected officials create an association to fight against the
"poison of wokism"", Ouest-France, April 12, 2023.

[6]Youmni Kezzouf Lamant Ludovic, "European elections: the RN relaunches
the transfer window of alliances with the far right", Mediapart, May 23,

[7]Sandra Favier, "In Italy, the war of the government of Giorgia Meloni
against same-sex families is taking shape", Le Monde, July 25, 2023.

[8]Cécile Debarge, "Meloni's Italy opens family consultation centers to
anti-abortionists", Mediapart, May 3, 2024.

[9]Jordane de Faÿ and al., "Culture: when the far right is in power",
Mediapart, June 7, 2024

[10]"Transphobic offensive in the Senate: Specious reports for an abject
law", Alternative libertaire, May 2024.

[11]Text No. 2504 filed on April 11, 2024

[12]Full report of the public session of May 28, 2024 in the Senate

[13]CGT, June 9, 2024 "10 points on which the far right is a social
imposture". Solidaires, June 12, 2024, "The national rally: a party
against the public service and its agents!".

[14]Le Monde of April 12, 2024 entitled "The worrying resurgence of
masculinism, this reactionary thought with millennial origins".

[15]See the article published on May 23, 2024: "The RN is the enemy of

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