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dinsdag 27 augustus 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE FRANCE REIMS - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, OCL--Reims: 28th anniversary of the violent expulsion of undocumented immigrants from the St-Bernard church in 1996: - we do not forget!! (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 Global regularization of all undocumented immigrants

with a ten-year card
Equal rights
Access to housing and education for unaccompanied minors
Repeal of the Darmanin law and all racist laws
Closure of detention centers
Dissolution of Frontex
Let's not wait for good news from above. Whoever the Prime Minister is
tomorrow, a
great movement must arise. We will only obtain what we fight for.
Together we
can win.
French-Immigrants: Solidarity!
At the call of the Intercollective (Coordination Sans-Papiers 75, CTSP
Vitry, CSPM, CSP 17e, CSP 93, Gilets Noirs);
Belleville Park Youth Collective
Supported by the OCL among others

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By, For, and About Anarchists
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