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dinsdag 27 augustus 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE SOUTH AMERICA BRAZIL - (en) Brazil, OSL: Invites everyone to the internationalist debate "Revolutionary Unionism and Cooperativism in Catalonia. (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]


The Ideal Peres Libertarian Study Circle (CELIP) - Rio de Janeiro/RJ
invites everyone to the internationalist debate "Revolutionary Unionism
and Cooperativism in Catalonia. This meeting will be attended by
activist Elena, from the General Confederation of Labor (CGT) of
Catalonia, a union organization founded by anarchists and linked to
libertarian socialism. ---- In this meeting, we will discuss
revolutionary unionism in Catalonia and the cooperative experiences
linked to this anarchist strategy of struggle in the world of work.
Differently from the perspective of gradual and peaceful change in
society, cooperativism linked to social struggles with revolutionary
intentions is inscribed in the objective of radical transformation of
society and expropriation of the means of production.

Understanding the perspective of cooperation and mutual support within
social struggles can help in strategic planning for the transformation
of social reality.

CELIP is a permanent political education space that aims to deepen and
study the main references of libertarian socialism and discussions of
collective interest. In Rio de Janeiro, it meets regularly at the Fábio
Luz Social Library (BSFL) and is open to anyone interested in studying
and educating on libertarian politics and related topics.

Location: Fábio Luz Social Library. Rua Álvaro Alvim, 24. Room 405 A.
Centro/RJ. Rio de Janeiro.

Libertarian Socialist Organization

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