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zondag 25 augustus 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE ITALY - news journal UPDATE - (en) Italy, UCADI #187 - It's democracy, baby! (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]


They've been busting our balls all their lives claiming that the United
States is the temple of democracy and that, no matter how bad it may be
said and no matter how great its limitations, democracy is the best form
of government. However, the miserable conditions in which the President
of the United States finds himself lead us to ask ourselves: who really
rules in Washington. Biden's recent public performances have shown us an
elderly gentleman, a victim of his ailments, unsteady in walking,
increasingly having difficulty formulating coherent and consequential
reasoning, with an evident loss of cognitive faculties in progress, with
reduced, we don't know how much, ability to react in a reasonable amount
of time and above all necessary to adopt rapid, incisive decisions that,
unfortunately, are the harbingers of serious consequences. Given his
duties and responsibilities, we must reasonably assume that he is not
only supported by a staff of consultants and experts, as is logical for
a President of such a powerful country, but that he is systematically
replaced and bypassed, every time there is a delay in his decisions, a
hesitation in his choices, the prospect of having to make important and
irrevocable decisions. If this were true, and it is true, we must
conclude that for some time now the real President has not been him, he
is not the one the voters have designated to hold this office and that
therefore we are faced with a fiction, typical of the society of
spectacle in which we live, where a puppet communicates a media message,
while invisible threads support it, it is an unknown voice and above all
an unknown mind formulates its thoughts. This means that the reproach
that is leveled at autocratic states, governed by figures designated on
the basis of plebiscitary votes, as in the case of Putin, or selected by
an articulated party hierarchy, as in the case of Xi Jinping, is
completely inconsistent and out of place, because in the largest
democracy in the world, if we want in the oldest one, or in one of the
oldest, in short, in the United States, those who command are not the
people, but now this now that lobby, provided that it manages to put
together the most significant amount of electoral contributions, invests
them in the search for the consensus of the electorate, and bets on a
name, a puppet character, who assumes the role of President in public.
 From this point of view, the much criticized Zelensky, already an
actor, already a comedian and showman, is not the exception, but,
unfortunately, the rule: it is a pity that he is also a warmongering
nationalist, as well as the associate of a group of Ukrainian oligarchs
who oppose an equally criminal group of Russian oligarchs and, in the
name of their interests, lead two peoples to the massacre.

A question

That said, a question inevitably arises: what reasons are there that can
justify war, what reasons, what principles, can be so great and
indispensable as to be worth the death, the suffering, the destruction,
the atrocities, the misery, that a war brings with it. Unfortunately, we
must take note of the miserable nature of human beings who have invented
concepts such as nation, homeland, race, looking at the color of their
different skin, gender hatred, not accepting the differences and
different sensitivities between men and women, they have fought against
each other to grab more goods and riches. in the belief that commanding
is the greatest pleasure, that subjugating the other is an indication of
power and might, an instrument of pleasure, a sadistic exercise of
command. It is a logic that is difficult for us to understand given that
we continue to believe that: "Our homeland is the entire world, our law
is freedom and a rebellious thought is in our hearts. Wherever an
exploited person rebels, we will find throngs of brothers. Let us pass
through various plebs among the pains of the human nation, precursors."
Therefore, with conviction and determination, we are against war, to
defend a foolish idea of nation and homeland, when instead they are the
material conditions, the needs, the interests for a better life and
worth living. the true values that are worth fighting for. Aware of
this, we support the need to give ourselves institutions and forms of
representation characterized by the refusal of delegation, by the
exercise of popular power through forms of direct participation, which
allow the revocable attribution of functions, subject to constant control.

This form of management of society and participation in decisions by all
can only be the result of a gradual growth of consciousness and
awareness, of a very long journey, but it is perhaps the only way to
prevent fratricidal wars and false forms of democracy from tearing apart
the flesh and life of women and men, of girls and boys, of old and
young, as is happening in Gaza, as is happening on the battlefields in
Ukraine and everywhere in the world where the struggles to compete for
power and goods impose themselves on the life, freedom and peaceful
coexistence of people.

G. L.

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