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zondag 25 augustus 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE RUSSIA - news journal UPDATE - (en) Russia, Avtonom[Armenia]: Picket in support of Russian political prisoner Azat Miftakhov was held in Yerevan (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 Today, August 3, a picket in support of Russian political prisoner Azat

Miftakhov was held in Yerevan opposite the Russian Embassy. As our
subscribers reported, the action lasted only about half an hour, after
which the police insisted on its termination. ---- Alexander
Sherchenkov, who announced the picket, said that he came to speak out
against the unfair sentence and Russian lawlessness, and wished freedom
to all political prisoners. When asked about the recent exchange,
Alexander replied that he was happy for everyone who was released,
especially for Sasha Skochilenko, but, unfortunately, there are still
many in Russian prisons who need support. Another participant in the
action also expressed solidarity with all Russian political prisoners,
especially noting the anti-fascists - prisoners of the "Network" case,
the "Tyumen case" and Bogdan Yakimenko, arrested in the Antifa United
case, a picket in support of whom was held in Yerevan a week ago.

You can watch the video here

Recall that the anarchist and political prisoner Azat Miftakhov was
transferred from Yekaterinburg to Kamyshlov on June 6. On March 28, he
was sentenced to 4 years of imprisonment, of which 2 years and 6 months
he must spend in prison, the rest of the term - in a maximum security
penal colony. On September 4, 2023, he was detained at the exit from
IK-17 in Omutninsk, Kirov Region, where he had already served one term.
The reason for the new prosecution for "justifying terrorism" was
(allegedly) Azat's comments while watching a TV show with prisoners
about the anarchist Mikhail Zhlobitsky, who carried out an explosion in
the Arkhangelsk FSB department. Prisoners and a prison employee
testified against Azat.

Recently, merch appeared in support of Azat.

The support group also knows the date of the appeal against the sentence
- August 15, it will be considered in the Military Court of Appeal in
the Moscow region settlement of Vlasikha.

Mailing address: 624860, Russia, Sverdlovsk region, Kamyshlov, ul.
Uritskogo, 16B, FKU SIZO-4, Miftakhov Azat Fanisovich, born in 1993. The
Zonatelecom service operates in the pretrial detention center.

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