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zondag 25 augustus 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE SPAIN - news journal UPDATE - (en) Spain, CNT #437: Living with pain and without glory - Fernando Verdura (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 I certainly prefer to live without pain or glory. Because if you want to

live with glory, as the National Anthems say, they'll give you a beating
that will knock your head off. I learned it as a child, when Doña
Rosalía, the teacher, told us about Eva. I'll tell you about it. ----
I'm four or five years old. Everyone sitting at desks. The boys on the
right, the girls on the left. Doña Rosalía teaches in her flat. Mixed in
a single class. And she tells us the Bible. ---- I liked Paradise, God
made it for us, and there the animals lived in peace, nobody died,
everyone was naked, and - above all - there was no need to go to school
or work. And the Serpent came, and tempted the only aunt around, and ate
the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, forbidden by Jehovah, what a name...
Jehovah. What kind of shitty name is that? You go and name your child
Jehovah on a bad day and call him... «Jováaaa!, Put the ball away and
come to the sena that I will give you a beating if you don't come
because the bubbles will come out of the boogers!»

I say that Eve goes and eats the scientific fruit, and God curses us:
working sweating and giving birth in pain. For an apple. A pain. Because
after sweating, giving birth and such..., death. And Hell. With a fire
that not even the General Directorate of Forests could put out. And
there we were burning... Eternally. And there were the demons that
pricked us, cut us, boiled us, burned us and, in general, tortured us
thoroughly without any end. But, be careful, -Doña Rosalía assured us-
«God loves you». Fuck, damn it, thank goodness!

Of course, I imagined Hell, and I was pissed. And then came the part
about Christ on the Cross. The Savior. And then I asked, what did he
save us from? It's that if we kept eating apples, there was no
Paradise... And since I didn't understand the explanation, no matter how
much the teacher went around in circles, she threw me into a corner,
with my arms crossed for the rest of the morning, until I understood
that the Dove God Man had saved the World from Sin.

And of course I learned it. Shut your mouth, nod thoughtfully, as if you
were praying: Violence is the Way. As the Mandalorian would say... But
with caution. Because however you want to live with Gloria... Safety,
above all.

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