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woensdag 21 augustus 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE Europe uk United Kingdom - news journal UPDATE - (en) UK, ACG: Commemorating death of Nestor Makhno (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 Nestor Makhno died on July 25th, 1934. A committed anarchist communist

all of his life, he suffered prison, where he contracted the TB that
finally killed him, many wounds which left his body scarred in many
places, and exile and poverty, yet he stuck to his ideas. ---- "The
freedom of any individual carries within it the seed of a free and
complete community without government, a free society that lives in
organic and decentralised totality, united in its pursuit of the great
human goal: Anarchist Communism!" Nestor Ivanovych Makhno.

Speech given on July 17th, 1921, to the defeated Makhnovist forces
before they withdrew over the border to Romania: "The communism to which
we aspire assumes that there is individual freedom, equality,
self-management, initiative, creativity and plenty. We have spelled out
our thoughts in our 'Declarations.' We have had the chance and we have
striven to build a society on the libertarian principles of
non-violence, but the Bolsheviks have not allowed us to proceed with
this. They have turned the clash of ideas into a struggle
against men. Not only has the entire State apparatus, despised by the
people, with its functionaries and its prisons and so on, not been
liquidated, but it has simply been re-cast. The Bolsheviks have proclaimed
might as their only right.

The foundations of the society that the Bolshevik-Communists have laid,
after eliminating all other parties and rivals, have nothingto do with
communism. They amount to a closed, semi-military sect of 'soldiers of
Marx, blindly disciplined and with pretensions to infallibility,
rejecting any quibbles and in hot pursuit of the goal of a totalitarian
State which grants neither freedoms nor rights to its citizens and which
peddles a ndvel brand ofi&ological racism. It breaks the people up into
'their own ' and 'the rest.' In many respects, it is an absurdity. They
deprive the toilers of all their dreams of a better life and they are
building the most wretched, most unfair police society from which the
joys of labor, creativity and the spirit of enterprise are to be banished.
Their experiments will be pointless and they will co-opt folk of the
same outlook, authority will be extended through the conjuring up of
unanswerable demagogues and dictators. They will rule and, by means
of prisons and coercion, they will compel the toilers to work themselves
to death for a glass of buttermilk ... They will tear everything down
and eliminate all who are not to the Party's taste or ideologically in tune
with it ... They will devise an astronomical schedule of punishments ...

People's sole preoccupation will be with survival in such frighteningly
oppressive conditions. But it cannot continue forever. The strengthening
of authority will inevitably lead to a complete psychological and
ideological breakdown between those in charge and the toilers.

Be vigilant and do not cast aside your weapons for they will soon serve
you again! Do not trust the Bolsheviks! We part with the feeling that we
have done our revolutionary duty. Long live solidarity and unity of the
toilers! Long live the third social revolution! My thanks to all of you
for everything!"

A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E
By, For, and About Anarchists
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