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zaterdag 24 augustus 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE RUSSIA - news journal UPDATE - (en) Russia, AIT: New social protests in Russia and Ukraine (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

Neoliberal "economy" of everything and everyone and the hardships of the

situation in warring Russia and Ukraine continue to lead to crisis
phenomena in the supply of electricity and water to the population.
Meanwhile, in Siberia, the population is fighting against the predation
of mining companies. -- On Tuesday, July 16, several million Russians
were left without electricity due to a failure in the operation of
generating equipment at the Rostov Nuclear Power Plant. In Krasnodar,
the outages affected about 40% of the city's energy system, reported the
publication 93.RU with reference to the city administration. In the
Rossinsky microdistrict, in eight houses Druzhny-1 and Druzhny-2, mass
power outages have been occurring for a month. According to local
residents, the power was turned off at first once a week, then three times.

On July 20, residents of Krasnodar blocked the street near the Lyubimovo
shopping center in protest due to the disconnection of water and
electricity supplies. According to the local publication 93.RU, Kraeveda
Solovyova Street was blocked off. People complained that in the heat
they had to sit for days without electricity and water. In protest
against the inaction of utility workers, they began to cross the road
back and forth and chant "Give us the light!"

"Every day the lights were turned off, every day. There has been no
light for 24 hours now, the heat is 40+, 10-15 houses have no light,
each house has 600 apartments," one of the protesters told the Telegram
channel "Beware, News." People are demanding that the electricity supply
be put in order. In the hellish heat, refrigerators and air conditioners
do not work in houses, and many have their water turned off.

The mayor came to the protesters and tried to calm the tension. But
later the police showed up and began making arrests. According to
Krasnodar media, several protesters were detained, but they were soon
released. Subscribers to city publics post videos with jokes about how
it has finally started to rain and they can "take a shower" by leaning
out of their windows.

Krasnodar Mayor Naumov, who came to support the protesters, explained
that there was no power and water due to an accident on the power grid.
Work to eliminate the accident is underway, and a new power cable is
being laid at the same time, he added. After the protest, the power and
water were partially restored. According to an RBC Krasnodar
correspondent, electricity has already been restored to the Kraski
residential complex, but residents of the Atlant, Druzhny, Druzhny 2,
Red and Titany residential complexes were still without power.

Problems with the power supply this summer are happening not only in
Krasnodar, but also in Yeysk and a number of other cities in the south
of Russia due to a power shortage in the power grid and network overload
due to high consumption.

Residents of Anapa, who gathered at the intersection of Shevchenko and
Ivana Golubtsa streets, blocked the road in a similar way. As reported
by the Telegram channel "Beware, News", the protesters only let
ambulances pass and are communicating with police officers. According to
them, they have been without water and electricity for four days.
Judging by the video published by the channel, an employee of
"NESK-Elektroseti" addressed the people, asking them to leave the street
and assuring them that "generators are already on their way to their
houses". The crowd refused to disperse (According to information from

On July 24, protesters in Donetsk took to the streets and blocked
traffic, demanding that the water supply be restored. In the Kirovsky
district of the city, water supply interruptions have been going on for
months, and people have despaired of changing the situation with
complaints and petitions. Their accounts began to be deleted in official
chats. The protesters said that they did not believe the deputy head of
the city, Volkov. "Where is our water?!" they chanted. Volkov came to
meet with dissatisfied residents. They complained that there had been no
water since 2022. He asked them to allow a bus to pass. The deputy head
of the city did not say how exactly the problem with the water supply
would be resolved (https://fedpress.ru/news/donbass/society/3329354)

Meanwhile, protests against the lack of basic services are also taking
place on Ukrainian territory. On July 16, in Dnepr (Dnepropetrovsk),
people came out to protest against the power outage. Representatives of
the energy company who came out to the protesters explained the outages
by the power grid being disabled as a result of military actions. The
authorities, as usual, immediately tried to blame enemy agents for
organizing the protest.

Despite the authorities' calls to abandon rallies and protests, on July
19, residents of Zaporizhia came out to protest against the strict power
outage schedules. In particular, they blocked traffic on Sobornyi Avenue
near Festivalnaya Square. The authorities promised to resolve the
situation "in time"

Meanwhile, new examples of confrontation between residents and mining
companies are reported. In Gorny Altai (Russia), villagers in Sugash
drove away representatives of the gold mining company "Antrop", who came
to conduct geological exploration on June 5 and told local residents
that they had received a license to conduct geological exploration.
Geological survey showed mineralization points on these lands, which is
an indirect sign of the presence of gold, and the area indicated in the
documents passes through the Altai taiga and the Sugash River - the only
source of drinking water in the village. Local residents are forbidden
even to graze cattle near the river, so as not to pollute it. About 500
people live in the village of Sugash.

The villagers blocked the path of the company representatives, declaring
that they will "fight to the death" but will not allow their lands to be
poisoned. "We have cedars and blueberries there. The whole republic is
nut-growing here! You'll make a mess here, poison us, and how are we
supposed to live here? We're asking you nicely, leave!" the residents
shouted. "For now, we're asking you nicely! Don't push the people!"

The company representative publicly acknowledged that the residents were
right, promised to pass on their opinion to the management and not to
come again.

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