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vrijdag 27 september 2024


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Frontex helped deport over 37,000 people so far this year

With an almost €100m annual budget dedicated to returns, the EU's border agency Frontex has helped EU states deport over 37,000 people so far this year up until early September. Last year, it was around 38,000 spread out over 12 months.Read on »

How batteries can help the EU save €9bn by 2030

Deploying more batteries could save the EU billions of euros concluded energy analyst Ember. Read on »

Meet the new fossil-fuel EU Commission — same as the old oneOpinion

We must first acknowledge the scale of the fossil-fuel industry’s influence on EU decision making. In the previous mandate, the commissioners and their cabinets held nearly 900 meetings with representatives of the fossil-fuel industry. Read on »

Former Catalan leader loses MEP appeal, raising questions for fellow separatist

The EU's top court has rejected former Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont's appeal against the European Parliament's decision not to recognize him as an MEP after the 2019 elections. Read on »


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All EU countries but Denmark failed to apply rules on renewables permits

The European Commission has opened infringement procedures against 26 member states for failing to fully transpose EU rules to accelerate permits for renewables projects into national law. Read on »

Lebanon: EU and US urge ceasefire, as Israeli jets draw blood

The EU and US, as well as other allies, have urged Israel and Lebanese fighters to stop firing for 21 days in the hope of averting another new Middle East war. Read on »

Could America's ‘Safe Mobility Offices’ work for Europe’s migration challenges?Opinion

Given the much larger migration challenge faced by the US at its southern border compared to Europe, could their model of 'safe mobility offices' work in the European context? And what are they?Read on »

Western missiles and Ukraine: Don't poke the Russian bear?Opinion

Ukraine’s daredevil invasion of Russia’s Kursk region showed how offensive tactics could take Vladimir Putin by surprise, as the West ponders whether to let Kyiv use long-range missiles. Read on »

In case you missed it

Becoming adults: quarter of young Europeans face housing problems

With affordable housing getting harder and harder to find and the cost of living hitting hard young people, Gen Z and millennials are struggling to leave their parents' homes — and are moving into overcrowded households.Read on »

Drainpipe of shame: How Orbán hypocrisy became a gay icon in BrusselsFeature

The drainpipe in Brussels where a far-right MEP fled a gay orgy still attracts tourists, who take pics to remember what Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orbán really represents. Read on »

Toothless 'infringement'?: EU Commission leaves member states unpunished for dozens of violationsInvestigation

The European Commission is regularly failing to enforce laws, after member states have avoided sanctions in more than 40 European Court of Justice-ruled violations — primarily concerning environmental legislation, Investigate Europe analysis reveals. Read on »

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