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vrijdag 27 september 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE GREECE - news journal UPDATE - (en) Greece, APO, Land & Freedom: 11 years since the murder of the anti-fascist Pavlos Fyssas (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

STATE AND CAPITAL GIVE FASCISM ---- 11 years since the murder of the
anti-fascist Pavlos Fyssas by the parastatal assault battalions of the
AXA in Keratsini ---- On September 18, 2013, a parastatal assault
battalion of the A.A. carries out a murderous attack in Keratsini from
which the anti-fascist Pavlos Fyssas falls dead, stabbed in the heart by
the goldsmith G. Roupakias. The state, seeking to appear as the only
body of justice and guarantor of social normality, is referring the A.A.
to trial as a criminal organization. Through the trial-fiasco
"institutional anti-fascism" attempted to give meaning to the
anti-fascist struggle, to consolidate the theory of the two extremes and
to wash away both the action of the neo-Nazi gangs and the state itself,
the main orchestrator of the fascist/parastate attacks. In October 2020,
A.A. it is condemned as a criminal organization, most of the leaders are
sentenced for management and only 11 members of the assault battalions
for membership and are temporarily sent to prison receiving the minimum
sentences. On June 15, the Court of Appeal of the trial of A.A. -with
most fascists already out of prison due to low sentences.

This movement of pre-planned and publicized arrests and prosecutions
cannot of course be seen as a defensive move on the part of the state.
Instead, he quickly joined an aggressive movement in the context of his
reconstruction, in the direction of modern totalitarianism. A move that
sent a clear repressive message to the world fighting against
institutions and from below, both through the implementation of the
Criminal Organization Act created to criminalize social-class
resistance, and through the use of the theory of two ends, which
attempts to identify the parastatal action of the thugs and murderers of
the ACA with the world of struggle and resistance.

In continuation of the same strategy, an investigation by the state
security was not long in coming, on the occasion of the clashes that
broke out outside the Court of Appeal on October 7, 2020. A case file is
being created and a prosecution is being carried out directed at the
comrade and member of APO, D.M., the who is accused of the misdemeanors
of disturbing the peace and aggravated assault, while it remains open at
the expense of other, so far unknown, persons. This specific movement
has no other goal than to equate those who are on the ramparts of class
and social resistance, those who are actually fighting against fascism
with the Nazi bastards.

In conditions of deep crisis of the bankrupt state and capitalist
system, a condition of absolute depreciation of human life and dignity,
its criminal nature is constantly demonstrated. Whether it is the mass
drowning of migrants at the water borders, or the fires that burn huge
areas every year, destroying forests, fields, houses and killing people
and animals, or the floods that wipe out entire villages, or again the
loss of dozens of people on the trains, the state and capital show their
criminal face every day in the most obvious way.

At the same time, the state, in its attempt to maintain its power,
attempts to break through everything collective, to erase the memory of
past struggles and to crush anyone who today stands tall in the
ever-escalating state violence. The continuous attacks against the
occupiers - most recently the invasion and evacuation of libertatia in
Thessaloniki and the arrest of 11 comrades/equals who participated in
the reconstruction work after it was set on fire in January 2018 by
fascists during the nationalist rally -, the repression of of the
anarchist movement and the persecution of activists, the policing of the
inner cities, the attack on the strike and labor mobilizations, the
university asylum and its social character and the ongoing state
killings of the poor, Roma and refugee-immigrants are all part of the
repressive network of the state for the subjugation of society and its

In these conditions, where the dominant propaganda tries to dominate the
public discourse, promoting nationalist, racist and intolerant concepts,
the fertile ground is created both for the conservatization of society
and for the development of fascist formations. The wider space of the
extreme right is in a period of fermentation, with fascist groups
appearing in the public sphere or even on the street, as the example of
the failed attempt for a pan-European fascist union last November in
Athens. A recent example is the attack on 6/9 by a group of 15 fascists
on 6 people wearing anti-fascist badges and attending a concert in
Neapolis, Thessaloniki, as well as the attack on the People's Library
hangout in March, where the fascists vandalized the space.

The only response to war, nationalism and fascism, which the world of
state and capitalism gives birth to and nurtures, is the organization of
social and class counter-attack. Without illusions that the system of
exploitation and oppression can be beautified, without illusions that
any government can be a barrier to fascism, in the face of establishment
"anti-fascism" and the pursuits of the state apparatus to consolidate
the theory of the two ends to fight collectively, militantly and from
below, with internationalist and class solidarity as our weapon. We do
not forget that the struggle against fascism is part of the overall
struggle against the state and capital. To fight together, locals and
immigrants, workers, students, students, for building a society of
equality, justice, solidarity and freedom.





Anti-Fascist - Anti-State - Anti-Capitalist Demonstrations

Wednesday, September 18

Athens: Keratsini, Pavlou Fyssa 60, 5:30 p.m

Thessaloniki: Kamara, 18.00

Anarchist Political Organization - Federation of Collectivities

A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E
By, For, and About Anarchists
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