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zondag 15 september 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE CZECH - news journal UPDATE - (en) Czech, Ostravsa, OAFed: Climate ride in the Moravian-Silesian region (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 Also this year, some activities of the climate movement will take place

in Ostrava and Karvina. Get involved too! ---- The mining and burning of
coal is finally ending, but there is still a risk that the coal barons
will leave behind a scorched earth. The debate on just transition and
climate justice is necessary to overcome structural problems and to
flourish regions. Today, when millions of projects are approved behind
closed doors, which will greatly affect the appearance of the region,
without the participation of those who will be most affected. That has
to change! If we want to discuss the future of a coal-free world
together face to face, we need to meet. And the region affected by the
end of coal is an ideal place for that.

Similar to the years 2020 and 2021, we will again get on our bikes and
ride around the region affected by coal mining, but this time we will
visit the Ostrava-Karvina coal basin. We will visit various places in
the Moravian-Silesian region and meet local people who are dedicated to
transforming the region and making it a better place to live. Along the
way, we will find out what a fair transformation should look like in
order to serve the local people and come from them. We will familiarize
ourselves with the current plans, policies, projects and funds for the
renewal of regions and together we will figure out how to take advantage
of the opportunities they offer. We are going to get to know a
sustainable, democratic and cohesive future.

Ride with us, or join one of the events that await us during the Climate

Everything you need, such as what to pack, or where we will stop on the
way, you will find out in the following weeks here at the event.

Would you like to plan a meeting with the locals, a debate or maybe a
concert during the bike ride, or would you just like to say hello?
That's great! Be sure to write to us at ahoj@limityjsmemy.cz

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