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zondag 15 september 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE FRANCE - news journal UPDATE - (en) Fance, Monde Llibertaire: The September 2024 program of free women (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 The show Women Libres is a space for reflection and study of the

specific oppression of women in a patriarchal and capitalist society
based on male domina. This space values the defense, denunciation and
reconstruction strategies implemented by feminist movements, in the
light of the analysis of social relations of sex, gender, class and
origin. Each program most often includes three parts: guests; militant
information: meetings, conferences, publications, films, exhibitions
...; sections which vary each se-maine: the free column, from Eve to
Philomène without forgetting the others ... Each month, the program is
broadcast in the feminist network; It is often taken up in publica
-ions, such as that of the Ruptures network or on the EFIGIES.ORG., In
Télérama but also on the site https://www.monde-libertaire.fr/

The emissions are available at: http://emission-femmeslibres.blogspot.com/

Wednesday September 4
* From Eve to Philomène without forgetting the others: Bette Nesmith
Graham (1924-1980), Amé-Ri-Rani dactylographe, inventoris, businesswoman
and philanthropic who defines herself as a feminist. She is the inventor
of the liquid corrector that we know today under the name of Tipex.
* Philippe Pelletier: Figure[s]of anarchism. Women and men of freedom,
ed. The blue rider, 2024. Among these figures, eight activists,
including Louise Reclus-Dimesnil, Virginia Bolten, Itô Noe, Emma
Goldman, Galina Makhno, Lucia Sánchez Saornil, Luce Fabbri, Madeleine
* We will evoke the disappearances of Claire Auzias, died on August 6,
feminist, anarchist, involved in the movement of emancipation of the
Roma and Catherine Ribeiro, died on August 22, libertarian singer whose
song we had chosen 86 for our indicative resignation.

Wednesday September 11
* A strings and cries: 1st opus, Riot Grrrls #1, and then there is the
* From September 20 to 22, HF+ organizes the Matrimoine Days with nearly
200 meetings offered in France, including 15 in Ile-de-France, through
routes, readings, concerts, conferences, projections, performances or
shows of theater. This is the 10th edition aimed at highlighting the
creators of the past. Matrimoine and heritage: our common cultural heritage.

Wednesday September 18
* Free tribune: FAIMISM.
* Laurence Kleinberger: A tear from Riwka. A story of forgetting and
memory, ed. Du Basson, 2023. An old mother with a brain with holes is
not funny. Why does depression become so marinous here? Well, when you
have an Alzheimer's mother and we wear all the tears of the Shoah,
except to laugh in sobs what can we do to survive?

Wednesday September 25

* Poetic opus: Marina Tsvetaeva, Le Guy, ed. Women and a nod to Bernard
Périllat, wild letters, ed. The music tree.
* 22nd edition of the Women in Resistance Festival, on September 28 and
29 at the Jean Vilar municipal area in Arcueil. Féminist Film
Documentary Festival, with Sandrine Goldschmidt and Najda Ringart.

To contact the program: 01 43 71 89 40 Wednesday between 6.30 p.m. and
8:30 p.m., during musical breaks
To write to the team: women.libers@outlook.fr

A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E
By, For, and About Anarchists
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