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zondag 15 september 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE RUSSIA - news journal UPDATE - (en) Russia, Avtonom: Paths of Russia: "Trends of Order and Chaos", Episode 171 - Borders: the key is broken in half (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 The second week of the Ukrainian Armed Forces' presence in the Kursk

region is coming to an end. Ukrainians are publishing videos mockingly
copying the actions of the Russian Armed Forces a year or two ago on the
captured Ukrainian territory: distributing humanitarian aid, tearing
down Russian flags from administrative buildings in villages. ---- The
Ukrainians are already creating a military commandant's office in the
Kursk region. It is likely that the next step will be to appoint some
Ilya Ponomarev, for example, as the mayor of Sudzha. The commander of
Kadyrov's special forces "Akhmat" Apti Alaudinov takes credit for the
fact that the Ukrainians did not seize the Kursk Nuclear Power Plant.
But this is about the only thing he can boast about.

Before the invasion of the Kursk region, a scenario for the end of the
war seemed to be emerging: Putin will not be able to subjugate all of
Ukraine, but he will receive significant territorial gains, and this
will be presented to the Russians as a victory. Ukraine, without the
captured territories, will be integrated into the EU, NATO, and so on.

Now everything has again become extremely unclear, the end of the war is
again being pushed into the unknown. And for the Kremlin, this is no
longer safe. Inflation has accelerated in Russia, and war fatigue is

The growth of the Russian economy for more than two years has largely
been due to the fact that the state is spending reserves set aside for a
rainy day on things that are not only immoral, but also completely
unhelpful for the economy: payments to those who kill Ukrainians, and
the production and purchase of weapons. And it's not like this can
continue for very long.

Before the invasion of the Kursk region, the authorities were constantly
raising payments to people who were ready to sign a contract with the
Ministry of Defense. Because the number of fools was decreasing using
Grandfather Darwin's method: they returned from foreign lands either in
coffins, or without arms or legs, that is, in a state unfit for further
participation in a war of conquest. And the Kremlin is afraid to carry
out another forced mobilization.

But Ukraine is also monstrously exhausted by the war: it is unclear how
much longer it can hold out. So it is difficult to say where everything
is heading.

How to protest in Russia?
Every week in our podcast we say that Russia is practically ruled by a
fascist regime, and that is true. On the other hand, almost every week
we announce open libertarian events inside Russia, and that is also true.

Naturally, it is almost impossible to directly protest against the war
in Ukraine, and there is also a whole list of taboo topics. Sometimes
what was allowed yesterday is no longer allowed today, including
retroactively, and you will be held accountable for it today.

A person who organizes open anarchist events in Russia risks trouble
with the security forces.

Does this mean that you should only stir up underground radical actions?
If you do something clearly prohibited, you still need to think about
the consequences. There is absolutely no need for new anarchist
political prisoners: the ones that already exist should be supported
with dignity!

And we must remember that there are already plenty of surveillance
cameras in Russia, even in the most remote corners: around railways,
even in the provinces, opposite the pole on which you want to stick an
anti-war sticker.

If you are conducting some kind of clearly underground struggle inside
the Russian Federation, you should have enough knowledge and training to
avoid being noticed by the cops and FSB officers. And also, ideally,
ways to quickly get out of Russia and some kind of plan for where and
how you will hang out abroad. On what basis will you live in a foreign
country, what will you do and what will you eat.

All of the above is possible, but obviously not suitable for everyone.

And to feed the homeless on behalf of Food not Bombs or organize a
lecture on the history of anarchism, such serious training is not
required. There is a fairly successful experience of supporting girls
from the Caucasus who are being forcibly taken away from Moscow or St.
Petersburg. Much less clear-cut, but interesting is the movement against
the Dugin Center at the Russian State University for the Humanities. Its
organizers want to scale up their project into an initiative to protect
the rights of students throughout Russia.

And so on. If there are more such initiatives, you will be able to
maintain contacts with like-minded people. And at the right moment, you
will put forward more important demands than is possible now.

But the fewer of your photos, personal data, information about your
place of residence or study you publish within such groups, the better.
Legal groups are obviously stuffed with cops, and Russian laws are
written in such a way that you can be held accountable for a lot, if the
cops have such a desire.

A few films
We haven't had a movie for a long time. We will tell you about several
good films that the author of the issue recently had a chance to watch.

"The Man from Podolsk" (2020) is a film about the nature of power,
coercion and the Russian people's fear of the state and cops. And that
all of this is disgusting, even when the cops seem to want to do a good

"Soviet Jeans" (2024) is a Latvian series about underground jeans
production in the USSR. Initially, it was a project of the Russian
"First Channel" about the late Soviet "workshop workers", but the
director relocated to Latvia and made a fascinating work about the
struggle for freedom and the vile KGB.

"End of the World" (2022). According to the plot, the Antichrist appears
in modern Moscow and prepares the end of the world, angels are sent to
fight him. In some ways, "End of the World" echoes the popular US series
"American Gods". Many witty scenes, including the theme of anti-Putin
protests, and in general the life of that Moscow, which sank into
oblivion early in the morning of February 24, 2022. Watch with slight
sadness and nostalgia.

Well, that's all for today! We remind you that in "Trends of Order and
Chaos" the participants of Autonomous Action and other authors give
anarchist assessments of current events. Listen to us on YouTube,
SoundCloud and other platforms, visit our website avtonom.org, subscribe
to our social networks and e-mail newsletter.

The issue was prepared by Listyev

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