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zondag 15 september 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE FRANCE - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, OCL Finistère Tract - There is no government: let's make the most of it! (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 The NFP just wants to "better manage" capitalism ---- The NFP is trying

to exert pressure to come to power. It claims that it will lead a
program of change that is favorable to the working classes. Let's not be
fooled, because the past experiences of so-called left-wing governments
teach us where this leads. For example, on pensions, the NFP only claims
to reverse the worst of the last reform: the retirement age. It does not
talk about reversing the reform made by François Hollande in 2014, which
increased the working time required to have a full pension to 43 years.
Furthermore, as soon as Lucie Castets was tipped to become Prime
Minister, she considered that the minimum wage of EUR1,600 was a
"horizon"; in short, that it would not happen immediately... or not at
all. And the other reforms proposed by the NFP are content to correct
some excesses of Macronism without seeking to reverse the current logic.
The example of England is revealing of the deception of the government
left: barely having come to power (early July) the left-wing Prime
Minister (Keir Starmer, Labour Party) announced "Things will get worse
before they get better... difficult decisions... a painful budget...
short-term sacrifices". The NFP risks coming out with the same speech
quickly, if it came to power.

Behind Macron, the MEDEF
However, Macron refuses to appoint a government based on the program of
the New Popular Front. This is not just a personal whim. The MEDEF is
putting pressure on Macron, considering that the NFP program would lead
to the "downgrading" of France. However, the MEDEF does not fear the
worst with the NFP, it knows very well that a so-called left-wing
government will not attack its fundamental interests. But preventing his
nomination clarifies things: any government must be at the mercy of the
immediate interests of the capitalists and offer no hope to the working
In this logic, we understand Macron's errors, desperately seeking to
reconcile what his principals order him to do and the concrete
situation: the left has a relative majority in the assembly and many
people are still under illusions about it. Giving in to the NFP for
Macron is not fearing an offensive policy against the interests of the
capitalists, it is letting the oppressed believe that they have won
against Macron, and therefore big capital, via left-wing politicians who
are nevertheless not very offensive. The NFP was not mistaken in
proposing Lucie Castets, a politician close to the PS and absolutely not
radical. The NFP is trying to show Macron and the MEDEF that it has
understood the message: no political radicalism can create hope.

Acting by ourselves
The left-wing electorate mobilized in the legislative elections to block
the far right. The current political crisis will reinforce the feeling
"they are all rotten" ... and feed the far right with its "get out" speech.
However, we could take advantage of the weakness of the current
political power to act by ourselves. Do not wait for a left-wing
government, which will betray us as it always has; do not wait for
future elections in the hope that the left will be in the majority.
There may be a political breach that we could rush into.
There is no stable government facing us, let's take advantage of it! If
we are going to refer to the Popular Front, we might as well take the
best of it: the offensive strike of 1936.
If we are going to mobilize, we might as well do it by ourselves and for
ourselves, and not for the NFP politicians.

OCL Finistère - Contact: ocldz at riseup.net

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