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maandag 16 september 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE FRANCE - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, Monde Libertarie: Paris liberated, Paris regained 1944-1949 (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

The liberation of Paris between August 19 and August 26, 1944 can be
seen as a shortcut of the events. Should we limit ourselves to the
action of the FFI, the FTP of Rol Tanguy, to the advance of the troops
of the 2nd DB of Leclerc including the famous Nueve, that of the Spanish
Republicans, often anarchists, to the descent of the Champs-Élysées by
General De Gaulle? The hagiography developed among others by the film Is
Paris Burning? has harmed the analysis of the facts. A book was needed
in these times of commemoration of the 80th anniversary of this
liberation written by specialists but also foreigners which gives
another approach to these days. ---- Antony Beevor, historian
specializing in the Second World War, author of a volume devoted to the
Spanish Civil War and Artemis Cooper, historian and granddaughter of
Duff Cooper, British ambassador to France from 1944 to 1947, offer us to
put these decisive days into a broad context in their book Paris libéré,
Paris retrouvé 1944-1949 published by Calmann Lévy. They take us back in
time to the disaster of the defeat of 1940, a disaster of weapons but
also of the political class of the Third Republic at the end. The
English do not trust the French, De Gaulle is very much alone and
condemned to death at the end of June 1940. The Vichy government gives
in and promises "to maintain order within its borders in the interests
of the Nazis." He anticipates the wishes of the occupier with
anti-Jewish laws, the repression of the resistance, the sending of
French troops to the Eastern Front, the LVF (Legion of French
Volunteers), a rigorous vision of society. We can only understand this
liberation of the capital if we appreciate the start of the Resistance,
the commitment of the communists in 1942, the attitude of the United
States who wanted to put French territory under their control. After the
landing in North Africa, the elimination of collaborators like Pucheu,
Minister of the Interior of Pétain makes these individuals understand
that it is too late to turn back. Be careful, the authors show us the
skill of certain resistance fighters of the 25th hour.

Understanding the chain of events

The hindsight in the analysis of events allows the reader to better
understand their chain of events today. Let us note in the story of this
liberation, the passage devoted to the arrival of the Nueve in Paris,
the delirious crowd, the joy of the moment. You will find these pages
but also an analysis of the political balance of power, the weight of
the PCF, the resistance fighters in their diversity. And obviously the
international issues, the standoff between De Gaulle and the United
States, Great Britain. This standoff began in 1940 but it increased with
the landing in North Africa. These facts are not very highlighted in our
official history. The complexity of international relations must take
into account the weight of the Soviet Union, even though Stalin was not
very interested in France.

The liberation enacted, despite concern during the German offensive in
the Ardennes in the winter of 44, politics resumed its place, the daily
difficulties of the inhabitants created social conflicts, the Vichy
presence was real, the uncertainty of the balance of power permanent.
And during this time, cultural Paris opens up but the weight of the PCF
is considerable, Les Lettres françaises, the éditions de Minuit are
displayed. Authors have made the wrong choice, Maurras, Rebatet, Drieu
La Rochelle. Some will be worried for a time like Simenon, Guitry. It is
one of the interests of the book to cleverly mix military, political,
social and cultural facts. And Sartre, Camus, Prévert, Genet, Violette
Leduc appear.

But France and all of Western Europe are doing badly, the USSR is
worried, the Americans launch the Marshall Plan and you will understand
the European construction better, This book constitutes an undeniable
fresco with necessarily some allusive approaches: as many years in 500
pages. Indeed, it continues in the Fourth Republic, the fragile adoption
of its constitution, the maneuvers to return to power, the intense
strikes in 1947. Yes, the history is rich and the many anecdotes, quotes
that are scattered throughout these pages in a lively style demonstrate
that over time, archives still reveal to us that of our country.

* Antony Beevor and Artemis Cooper
Paris Liberated, Paris Rediscovered 1944-1949
Ed. Calmann Lévy, 2024

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