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maandag 16 september 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE ITALY - news journal UPDATE - (en) Italy, UCADI @188 - August 2024 (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

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AUTUMN SCENARIOS - The autumn of 2024 will go down in history for a
series of events whose outcome will mark the evolution of political
relations both internationally and in our country. The event, whose
outcome will certainly be the most conditioning, is constituted by the
outcome of the ...
To the Referendum on differentiated autonomy - After the publication of
the law of 26 June 2024, n. 86 introducing the differentiated autonomy
of the Regions have taken shape, on the one hand the initiatives aimed
at repealing this law, on the other the Regions in favor of introducing
the measure (Veneto Lombardy, Piedmont, Friuli ...

The criminal drift of the English right
The first major problem that the newly elected government of the Labour
leader Keir Starmer must face is the growth in crimes committed by
minors who use cutting weapons. The country has recently been shocked by
the murder of three little girls and ...

An alliance for the alternative
In this torrid summer, gender issues seem to be assuming an ever greater
centrality and seem to dominate the political and cultural debate with
great fervor, imposing themselves in discussions between politicians and
in the streets. Recovered and pointed out by the neoliberal right as ...

Meloni and the others
The rise to power of a right-wing female leadership is not just an
Italian phenomenon; in recent decades, right-wing parties in the West,
especially if radical, have chosen to talk about relying on a female
manager. Until recently ...

UKRAINE: the war is spreading
The Ukrainian invasion of the Russian territory of Kursk Oblast, which
began on August 6, undoubtedly represents a new phase in the "energy
war" that sees the United States and Great Britain fighting against
Russia, through Ukraine, and is aimed at destroying ...

Religious freedom in Ukraine between martyrdom and business
On August 20, the Ukrainian Parliament banned the public worship of the
Ukrainian Orthodox Church (), the direct heir of the Church founded in
Kiev in 988 from which the Russian Orthodox Church of the Patriarchate
of ...

The European Union is experiencing its moment lowest in many decades
now, dragging Europe itself along with it, a creature much older than
that, however apparently obsolete. This strange creature, born on the
wave of vague theories ...

The USA towards the elections
The Democratic Convention in Chicago has crowned Kamala Harris, the
party's candidate for the Presidency of the United States who, also on
the basis of the emotion aroused by the event, seems to be sailing with
the wind in her sails towards victory, but the real election campaign
and ...

What's new - With Afghan women
On August 22, the Taliban in the Government of Afghanistan promulgated a
law prepared by the ministry for "the propagation of virtue and the
prevention of vice" of 35 articles that is mainly aimed at further
limiting the rights ...

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