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maandag 16 september 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE GREECE - news journal UPDATE - (en) Greece, APO, Land & Freedom: Call of Quieta Movere to the TIF's Anti-State - Anti-Capitalist Demonstration - FOR THE OPENING OF TEF 2024 (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 Saturday, September 7 at 18:00 in Kamara ---- We support anarchist blocs

---- At the given juncture we are faced with the crisis of the state and
capitalist system in all its manifestations: political, social,
ideological, economic, environmental. The system of power increasingly
intensifies its effort to establish a new normality, to which there is
no other alternative, imposing the doctrine of law and order on the
lives of the oppressed, while ensuring the profits of bosses, the state
and capital, always at the expense of social base and against human life
and its dignity.

In the past period, thousands of male and female students fought against
the privatization of public education, against the law passed by the
government for the establishment of private branches of foreign
university institutions. A law that essentially bypasses article 16 of
the constitution, which concerns public and free education, thus paving
the way for the establishment of private universities. This bill is the
most recent and overt expression of the state's aggression, not only
towards the public nature of education, but also more generally towards
the large social majority. Aggressiveness that has been manifested
before through a series of state methods and reforms of the last decades
that aim to rearrange the educational system according to the dictates
of the neoliberal capitalist model and to shrink public and free
education. In other words, we are faced with the so-called educational
restructuring. This starts with the Gavroglou law on SYRIZA with the
mergers of departments and the establishment of tuition fees in
postgraduates, the equalization of the degrees of HEIs with those of
private colleges in 2019, the subsequent evaluations of institutions,
the minimization of state funding and the mergers of provincial
departments , the consolidation of the EBE, the law 4777 that brought
the police to the schools, the imposition of a study limit of n + n/2,
the entrance of external managers to the Boards of the Foundation, the
detachment of pedagogical competence from the teaching schools, the
additional training and lifelong programs of learning that break up the
single degree, as well as PD85 that equates arts school degrees with
high school diplomas.

As can be understood, the restructuring of the education system is not
carried out individually by one or the other government. It is a
continuous process over the years, an issue of central importance for
the Greek state. And this, because it is part of a wider state planning:
the restructuring of all the relations that govern social reality, labor
and social, towards neoliberalism, individualization, intensification,
competition, the crushing of resistances and any possibility of
collectivization. The end of postcolonialism and the change of social
paradigm towards modern totalitarianism. In this sense, the educational
restructuring serves a double purpose: on the one hand, the
privatization of education so that it is in the hands of the powerful,
and on the other hand, the erasure of a collective memory and
competitive culture based on which universities and schools are
perennial spaces for the collectivization of from below and especially
the youth, from where radical forms of resistance and struggle
initiatives capable of rupturing but also overturning the order of
things start, as well as points of reference for wider social and class

At the same time, the genocide of the Palestinian people in Gaza and the
West Bank, which has been going on for a year, counts thousands of dead,
many of whom are civilians and children. The modern apartheid state of
Israel excludes the Palestinian people from the Gaza Strip and the West
Bank by applying widespread control, repression and terror. Israel
christens the people who slaughter terrorist and with the cooperation of
NATO, the USA and all the rest of the western countries, including
Greece, they help the genocide of the Palestinian people. A genocide
which the Greek government directly supports, as, beyond the obscene
propaganda, it also chooses to actively support the crimes of the state
of Israel against the people of Palestine, by sending frigates alongside
American aircraft carriers and warships.

The attack on the social base is also evident through the intensified
precision. In the increase of basic goods, in the reduction of wages, in
the increase of rents but also of goods such as electricity and water,
while the state threatens with evictions and auctions the people who,
being on the edge of poverty, are unable to cope and survive .

Capitalist brutality continues through the systematic degradation of
public health, the reduction of public health services, the
understaffing of hospitals and the exhaustion of health workers who
fight for decent treatment, leaving the door open for capital to exploit
the opportunity and to make health yet another commodity for sale by
private individuals.

This direction of the state and capital towards privatization is what
ultimately led to state capitalist crime in Tempe, to the tragic
management of the Covid-19 pandemic, to the destruction of the natural
environment with floods and dozens of fires breaking out this summer
throughout the country. At the same time, we are counting thousands of
murders of migrants at the water and land borders of Europe, hundreds of
pushbacks and drownings of migrants by the Hellenic Coast Guard, murders
of Roma by ELAS, arrests, persecutions and torture of fighters and
female fighters, evacuations of squatters with a recent example of the
occupation of Libertatia in Thessaloniki but and trafficking rings that
are disguised. At the same time, the state passes the New Penal Code, in
an attempt to suppress the struggle world but also to further impoverish
the lower social strata in order to instill fear and prevent the
struggle world from resisting its brutality.

Within this condition, as anarchist students we need to move forward,
self-organized and unmediated, to make the student movement dangerous
for the regime of power again, so that it does not become a means to
impose party wills. To regain the radical and uncultivated
characteristics that are the only ones capable of substantial
overturning. We propose the organized intervention of anarchist
assemblies in universities as well as in all social and class struggle
fronts. Their involvement in the struggle with structures and means that
push for the total rupture for the acquisition of rebellious
characteristics on the way to a libertarian education and a society of
equality and solidarity, to social revolution and anarchy.








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