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maandag 16 september 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE RUSSIA - news journal UPDATE - (en) Russia, Avtonom: What is cringe: "Trends of Order and Chaos", episode 172 - Chicken greatness (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 The week began with an absolutely outstanding cringe. Businessman from

Yaroslavl Elman Azizov, who owns the poultry farm "Yaroslavsky Broiler",
decided to celebrate his birthday so that descendants would remember his
chicken greatness. For the holiday, Azizov not only dressed up as an
Egyptian pharaoh, but participated in the entire procession of his
"subjects", and in addition harnessed his employees to the chariot that
delivered the "master" to the banquet. ---- Photos from the master's
holiday got on the Internet and caused a storm of emotions among the
people. In general, the public considered the servile masquerade
humiliating for the employees of the enterprise.

There was no particular joy in the faces of the pharaoh's servants who
were rolling the chariot, and many believed that people were literally
harnessed to this business voluntarily-forcibly. Some suggested that
"the men were paid", but no one said what the fee for appearing in
public like that should be. However, no whips or weapons were seen at
the celebration, which means that the employees were free to leave at
any time. "This is learned servility before the boss", "They were told -
they harnessed themselves. They are told to lick asses - they will lick.
The people have a servile habit! Fear of kings", "Their facial
expressions are truly slavish. Either they are amazing actors, or ...",
"In a word - a disgrace. For all participants in this masquerade" -
people wrote online.

Later, comments were received from the company "Yaroslavsky Broiler".
The press service of the poultry farm stated that this year the day of
the enterprise's foundation coincided with the birthday of the Chairman
of the Board of Directors Elman Azizov, which is why all this "Egyptian
force" broke out. According to company representatives, the employees
themselves were very willing to harness themselves to the chariot,
because by portraying ancient Egyptian slaves, workers "raise the spirit
of the team and improve the mood." According to the press service, the
employees had fun and were very happy with the staging. "Then we
continue to live with these emotions and energy for a long time," the
press service quotes some employees as saying. According to the company,
the holiday was perhaps the most wonderful event in the lives of the
workers, and the boss Azizov had almost nothing to do with it - the
employees planned their worship of the boss in advance, and then simply
forced him to "ascend the throne": "We literally blocked his way at the
entrance, asked him to get out of the car, put on a costume in the theme
of the holiday and began the congratulatory part with a theatrical
performance," some unnamed employees say. By the way, "Yaroslavsky
Broiler" is a company with a dubious reputation. A year ago,
Roskachestvo found salmonella in its products and placed it in last
place in the rating of meat producers.

Leaky greatness
Less exotic, but in fact no less cringeworthy news came from the space
industry. It turned out that our rockets are assembled in workshops with
leaky roofs.

We are talking about the famous Angara rocket - a new idol, a
breakthrough and a leap for the Russian government, an object of praise
and pride for Putin, and, of course, a frequent hero of the news, which
talks about the greatness of the state. The rocket is assembled at the
Omsk plant Polet. According to Putin, the launch of Angara is "a new
stage in the development of the Russian space industry."

However, while spaceships are furrowing the expanses of the Universe,
and Putin is licking the rocket, the workers of the plant, whose hands
created the next breakthrough, remain behind the scenes.

In early August, workers at the Polet plant published an open letter in
Omsk media, in which they described the dangerous and dirty conditions
in which they had to work, the price of "greatness," and that Roscosmos
has not grown - rockets in Russia are still assembled literally in a
barn without amenities.

The public, unaccustomed to the underbelly of hyped-up gloss, was
shocked by the letter. The plant's employees themselves also commented.
The chief engineer of the enterprise, who burst into the discussion,
said that the poor working conditions described by the workers were due
to the emergency condition of their workshop. After questions about why
people were allowed to work there, the engineer deleted the comment.

A few quotes from the letter:

"We are insulation workers in the fiberglass products workshop. We work
in the Omsk branch of the Khrunichev State Research and Production Space
Center - the Polet production association. We create elements that are
then used inside space rockets. Our production is dirty and harmful. We
work with toxic resins and glass dust that comes from grinding parts.
There are big problems with ventilation in the workshop. Glass dust is
constantly hanging in the air, work with resins is carried out without
an exhaust hood." "We wash our work clothes at home. Ourselves. A
regular washing machine can't handle microglass, and the work clothes
become prickly after a few weeks. And most importantly, the work clothes
do not protect against dust getting on the skin."

"It's cold in the shop in winter. We work in jackets and hats. If it's
30 degrees outside, the temperature in the production area can reach +28
degrees. We work in T-shirts. By the end of the shift, you're covered in
sweat and glass. And I wish I could wash up. But there's no shower in
the shop. The shower broke a few years ago, and the management says it's
impossible to fix it. They tell us to wait until the new building is
built. Year after year."

"It's pointless to talk to the shop management about the problems.
Firstly, they can see everything themselves. But where's the reaction?
Secondly, we've tried, and the answer is always a promise to move to a
new building. Which we still have to wait. And again. And again."

"At the same time, our work is not easy. You need to be able to read
blueprints, have special skills, and perform delicate, almost jewelry
operations. And the salary is very average even by Omsk standards. Now
even couriers can earn more than us, rocket scientists! This is how
highly qualified personnel are valued in our advanced industry.
Colleagues are quitting more and more often."

"To at least somehow clean yourself, you have to shake out your overalls
by hand, blow air on them. Then you go home like this. But what can you
do if the plant can make a space rocket, but no shower? Or another
option. In the rain, you can wash yourself under the waterfalls from the
leaky roof[this is a real breakthrough]. Summer is just rainy. The
workshop sometimes floods so much that you can't get around the puddles
without getting your feet wet. And there are machines under the holes in
the roof. We cover them with oilcloth and all sorts of polycarbonate.
But it doesn't help much. The water still pours onto the equipment."

"Why put up with all this?" the workers ask at the end of the letter.
However, after this they again asked the management to make them a
shower and a roof in the workshop, although they already realize that
such toothless measures as requests and letters to the management have
no effect, and while the workers obediently swallow glass, a bunch of
those in power will continue to fill their pockets with the "greatness"
of the state.

Cheap greatness
The picture of all greatnesses is completed by greatness less than the
minimum wage. And this is probably far from news, but it is required for
the picture to be complete. In Makhachkala, 10 teachers quit at once
from school No. 14.

The teachers indicated the reason for their departure directly in their
applications. Here is a quote from the application of a mathematics
teacher, a teacher of the highest category, an honorary worker of
education of Russia: "The salary of a teacher of the highest category is
lower than the minimum wage, and I do not want to work for such a
salary." "I ask you to dismiss me of my own free will due to the low
salary of a teacher," writes his colleague. "Due to low salaries...", -
continue other teachers of School No. 14.

The teachers published photos of their statements online. The school
administration did not like the publicity, so they concocted an official
statement. According to the authorities, the teachers mixed everything
up and made a mistake in the reasons for their dismissals.

"Due to the information that has spread on social networks about mass
dismissals of teachers of School No. 14 due to low salaries, we inform
you that this information is not true.

In fact, several teachers moved to other schools located closer to their
place of residence, taking advantage of vacancies that opened up. Also,
several teachers resigned due to reaching retirement age, one of the
teachers moved to the service sector, and several people - due to health
reasons," - the school administration announced. In order to convince
the public that teachers simply could not escape from their meager
salaries, the management decided to boastfully indicate their size:

"It is important to emphasize that the average salary of a teacher at
MBO "Secondary School No. 14", taking into account compensation and
incentive payments, is 38,132 rubles."

Either the management is not embarrassed by its own cringe, or it simply
does not know what cringe is.

Well, that's all for today! We remind you that in "Trends of Order and
Chaos," Autonomous Action participants and other authors give anarchist
assessments of current events. Listen to us on YouTube, SoundCloud and
other platforms, visit our website avtonom.org, subscribe to our social
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