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woensdag 25 september 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE ITALY - news journal UPDATE - (en) Italy, UCADI @188 - The USA towards the elections (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 The Democratic Convention in Chicago has crowned Kamala Harris, the

party's candidate for the Presidency of the United States who, also on
the basis of the emotion aroused by the event, seems to be sailing with
the wind in her sails towards victory, but the real electoral campaign
and the clash/confrontation with Trump begins now and the results are
far from defined and certain. The Convention was a typically American
political media event, which saw a party now dead, crushed by a
candidacy that had as its frontmen a candidate who was clearly
inadequate, afflicted by senile degradation, like Biden, clearly
defeated in front of an opponent who, although he too is an
octogenarian, still appears vigorous and determined to defend his
personal interests and those of a well-defined social block that
identifies with the deep and peripheral, provincial, white and in any
case racist, resentful and violent country, affected by nostalgia for
the country's lost international hegemony and eager to isolate itself to
defend itself angrily, claiming the superiority of the American way of life.
The news that characterizes the event as a whole is constituted by the
fact that the narrative made of resentment, hatred and fear is
counterposed by the communication strategists of the Democratic Party
with joy, hope, optimism and vision of the future. Trump speaks to the
belly of the country and provides aggressive answers to the social
discomfort of sections of the class hit by inflation and scared by the
future, to that part of the country that has seen the depression grow
and that looks to the future with distrust and without hope. Harris
instead seems to point to the other America, the one that looks to the
future with trust and hope, that sees emigration as a resource for
progress, that tries to move in a perspective of doing, in search of
social fulfillment and in the belief that what will come will be better
than what exists and above all than the past. On one side there is the
population of the most dynamic areas of the country, on the other the
deep province in growing difficulty that sees multiplying cases of
violence and uncontrolled and angry reaction of which the attacker of
the tycoon was probably one of the products. In the next 70 days until
the elections these will be the two visions of the world that will
contrast with each other and will be offered to the voters. Regarding
the contents of the two candidates' programs and their political
proposals, while Trump's are known, Harris's are still vague and
undefined. Although after the troubled withdrawal of Biden's candidacy,
Harris did everything she could to recover, to impose her image and her
candidacy, she has been silent on the contents of her program,
especially in foreign policy, because the candidate for the Presidency
of the United States is the result of a long and complex consultation
between interest groups that financially support the candidacy and it is
they who develop the program that will constitute what the chosen
candidate, or the frontman, will propose to the electorate: a program
that is the result of the convergence of their interests and the
balancing of the positions of each person who stands behind the
candidate and who in fact determines and directs his policy. English:
What we are saying is easy to understand if we think about how it was
possible for Biden to continue to govern even though he was clearly
inadequate and in a deep senile crisis, maintaining the formal
responsibility of the Presidency: what really governed the country was,
as in most states today, a group of interests and bureaucrats and
interest holders who, by supporting the presidential election at the
time, ensured control of the decision-making nodes of the system.
Citizen participation, the democratic system, the institutions
characterized by the balance of powers and apparent popular
participation, are fluff, a decoy, to hide that political power belongs
to the ruling classes, an expression of financial and economic groups
and centers of power: in other words, a complex web of balanced
interests, which attribute to themselves control of the institutions and
manage the destinies of the world country by country, using
institutional forms and tools that are different only from a formal

In light of these considerations, it is easy to understand why Harris
has so far remained essentially silent on her economic program and
especially on foreign policy: she was waiting for her electoral
committee and the lobbies supporting her election to finalize the
programmatic agreement behind the scenes, which not only constitutes the
candidate's electoral manifesto, but also selects the contents of the
power pact that the group supporting the Presidency of the Republic
stipulates when it designates the frontman deemed functional to
achieving victory. It is for this reason that the Convention was
generous with reconstructions of the personality and identity of the
candidate who presented herself, her personal history, her family, the
social context from which she comes and in which she operated,
highlighting the classes and social classes of reference of her action
to be designated and therefore placed the accent more easily on the
defense of civil rights, first of all the right to abortion and on the
defense of the income of the middle class today in crisis, which must be
refounded. The weakness of her proposal comes from the fact that she
remained vague on the concrete tools to achieve this last result. It is
known in fact that the major problem for a policy of economic protection
of the income of the middle class is constituted in the USA, as
everywhere, by the high public debt and the characteristics of the tax
impositions that continue to favor the wealthier classes and the super
rich. This raises the issue of taxation of large corporations, an issue
on which the Democratic candidate has not yet expressed her opinion for
fear of losing their support, but what is certain is that the revival of
low-middle incomes requires an intervention that increases healthcare
spending, the expansion of free services and a profound reform of the
education system, issues for which immense resources must be found:
indications that are totally lacking.

The candidates for the Presidency and foreign policy

The only point, and it is not irrelevant, on which Harris has taken a
partially innovative position, was that of having reiterated, after the
traditional support for Israel, the unacceptability of what is happening
with regard to the Palestinian people, this position was also dictated
by a clear need to gain the support of the pro-Palestinian electorate of
the United States. This actually represents a novelty compared to
traditional US political positions, which must however materialize in
political actions that have been lacking until now and have actually
been contradicted by the concrete initiatives adopted by the US in
support of Israel.
For the rest, while Trump's foreign policy seems to be clear and
defined, characterized by isolationism, by an accentuated contractualism
with Russia, which is counterpointed by a policy of competition and
aggression towards China, Harris' positions in foreign policy seem to be
taking shape, in substantial continuity with the lines of action of the
Biden administration and therefore with a policy hostile to Europe and
its interests.
Harris's reconfirmed support for NATO and the war in Ukraine certainly
does not constitute an encouraging signal that goes in the direction of
protecting Europe's interests, which instead reside in the most
immediate cessation of the conflict in Ukraine, not only because of its
evident damage in terms of security, not only because of its many
victims, but because the war, by draining resources from the States that
constitute the European Union, depresses its social policies and those
relating to the satisfaction of the needs of the weakest and most
disadvantaged segments of its population. In other words, war not only
kills, but in the meantime it allows some to enrich themselves, it
brings ruin to the poorest and the peoples. Europe's interest lies in
peace and in restoring a market relationship, especially in relation to
energy costs, which allows it to support its own economy, without
unloading the cost of the goods produced on one of the production
factors, energy, tolerating market conditions imposed by geopolitical
and power choices, precisely in order to depress the economy of the area
of the countries belonging to the Union.

It is for this reason that, on our part, there is no empathy with the
political debate that takes place in the United States, we have no
admiration for the so-called democracy of the American political system,
no love for its political dynasties, exhibited - in particular - on the
occasion of the Democratic Party Convention, no emphasis on the future
destinies of the United States, we do not belong to any fan base that
fights for one of the two sides, even if we are aware that the USA
represents the center of the empire of which the country in which we
live is part and that therefore what happens in that country inevitably
has repercussions on the societies in which we live, conditioning
economic policies and those on civil rights, inducing parties,
politicians and power groups to conform to the orientations that come
from the capital of the empire. Aware of this, we believe that the time
has come to emancipate ourselves from this economic and cultural
dependence and finally understand that it is a question of living and
operating in a world made up of large economic - political plates, in
competition with each other; Europe is one of these and our interest -
while we support the reasons for a dignified life and the most basic
defense of our rights - is to promote and hope for a possible, peaceful
and collaborative coexistence between the different institutional
political expressions that govern the different areas of the planet,
aware that we are faced with systems of power controlled by ruling
classes opposed by different interests, in competition with each other,
of which the people risk becoming victims.
That said, the electoral campaign in the United States begins now: to
understand the evolution of the balance of power between the two
candidates it is wrong to look at the polls, allowing oneself to be
influenced by the percentages of votes attributed at a national level.
The President is elected by the electors, voted for and elected state by
state, whose number must be equal to the total number of members of the
United States Congress that that same state elects and who are 538 in
total. This system means that in a political situation in which the vote
of the electorate is stable, those states in which the attribution of
the electors to the two sides is uncertain are the ones that assume
importance in determining the result. The novelty of the November vote
is that political instability has grown and with it the number of states
in the balance, which according to some pollsters, has risen to 10.
These include Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona, North
Carolina, Georgia and even Texas. It follows that to take the pulse of
the electorate it is necessary to monitor the orientation of the voters
of these states and many things can happen in the two months that
separate them from the vote. Beyond appearances and media outcry, the
game is still open and Trump's political strength and ability should not
be underestimated. For him, this is the last battle, and if it is lost,
there is failure and his own personal freedom is at risk, so we can be
sure that he will wage a war with no holds barred and will try to impose
himself by any means until the end. His insistence on the deepest fears
of the electorate tells us that we are faced with a political animal who
knows the soft underbelly of the country well, its outskirts, the rural
world, the concentrations of depressed areas, present in leopard spots
in the country. With these voters, Trump plays the card of experience
and the wise old man, trying to turn in his favor what he reproached
Biden for: being an octogenarian. Furthermore, Trump bypasses gender
issues and the protection of rights and turns his attention more
concretely to the perceived growth of inflation that calls into question
the standard of living of the voters.

The Editorial Staff

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