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woensdag 25 september 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE SPAIN - news journal UPDATE - (en) Spain, Regeneracion: Only strategic debate. (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 Some reflections on the presentation of Regeneración Libertaria and the

Teima Publishing House at the III Anarchist Book Fair in A Coruña. ----
The III edition of the Anarchist Book Fair in A Coruña will be held on
September 13, 14 and 15. Various publishers, distributors and bookstores
of the libertarian movement will be present at a conference with a very
attractive program. Among the presentations, talks or various
activities, we will bring the publisher and the media outlet that we
have been promoting closer. ---- In February of this year, Regeneración
Libertaria announced its adherence to a strategic line to become a media

There were two most significant changes in this new cycle; first, we
went from being a synthesis outlet where articles were published from
different perspectives of the libertarian movement -although the
libertarian sensitivity of organized anarchism in a broad sense
predominated- to aligning ourselves with a strategic current such as the
Especifist/Platformist. We thus became their main communication body.
Secondly, this meant that the editorial group went from being made up of
individual militants to being driven by political organizations.

After half a year of articles of a strategic, critical, historical or
cultural nature from this Especifist perspective, we can announce a
significant advance: we will soon present a first publication by Teima,
which aims to be the editorial of the organizations that meet around
Regeneración Libertaria.

The decision to support communication projects under the editorial line
agreed upon by Especifist organizations has as its objective, beyond
opening essential strategic debates for the Libertarian Movement, to
generate a meeting space where the different local projects can generate
a common political and strategic line that allows them in the future to
carry out a strategic coordination that outlines a more effective joint

Some critics have argued that generating media and editorials of a
tendency means closing the lines of debate and not attending to
opinions, but nothing could be further from the truth. The short
experience of these months of publications by Regeneración Libertaria
shows us the opposite. Having our own political space has meant being
able to open debates that only occurred in closed spaces or in
aggressive ways that were not given to dialogue. Our articles have been
read, commented on and questioned, answered and have helped us to deal
with issues that would not otherwise have been debated.

There are also those who say that spaces of tendencies are not typical
of the libertarian movement, but in this sense we consider that they are
also wrong. What allows us to sustain such an assertion is the
uncritical assumption of the synthesis strategy in the libertarian
movement as almost obligatory. In the libertarian movement it is common
to appeal to what they have called "anarchism without surnames" where
everyone who calls themselves an anarchist should have their space.
Specifism supposes a radical criticism of this idea for fundamental
strategic reasons; in the first place, it prevents us from generating
agreements with strategic depth because in such diverse and even
contradictory spaces it is impossible to agree on anything more than
mere coordination. Secondly, the vetoes of a minority or the opinions of
small groups that put their ideological purity before generating tools
that help us change the world are equivalent to broader projects. Far
from favouring the organisation of anarchists, it hinders our practice.

Furthermore, it is false that there are no publications of tendencies in
the libertarian movement; Trade unions, insurrectionalist collectives
and projects of libertarian autonomy have their own magazines and media
- something that we celebrate on the other hand. There are synthesis
publications where different proposals are collected or where, in order
not to generate an uncomfortable debate, there is simply no position. In
order for it to be of use to everyone, it ends up being of no use to anyone.

It will be a pleasure to develop these and other questions during the
III Anarchist Book Fair of Coruña, a place where we will be ready to
answer any questions or to debate with anyone who wants to come. Our
talk will take place at A Cova Céltica (R/Orzán, 82) on Saturday 14th
September at 20:00. We look forward to seeing you there to continue
building a libertarian, specificist path together. Cheers and success.

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