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woensdag 25 september 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE SPAIN - news journal UPDATE - (en) Spain, Embat: Delving deeper into People's Power (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 In the political landscape of 2024, autonomy remains an important

obstacle to the collective emancipation of our people. However, the
struggles of social movements and the working class have shown that
there is an alternative and real path that is growing right now. We do
not allow ourselves to be carried away by defeatism propagated by our
class enemies. ---- We only succeeded in overcoming the Capitalist and
Spanish framework when the working class in Catalonia proclaimed
Libertarian Communism. It was possible, and we will try again as many
times as necessary. Sharpening the new tools to achieve it.

Class independence and popular power.

The failure of autonomism, with its approach is the trap of false
individual participation, and basically neoliberal in its pure state,
which has failed to address the structural inequalities and systemic
violence that characterize Capitalism in the Spanish State. The
reactionary waves, which represent a deepening of the most uncomplicated
Capitalism, must be confronted from a class perspective rooted in the
territory. All dominations attack us imbricated, and so must be our
response as an organized people.

Class independence recognizes the need to build a collective political
subject: the working class of Catalonia, which can challenge the power
of Capital. It involves organizing around concrete demands and
developing a class consciousness that recognizes common interests, in
all their diversity.

Popular power as the creation of democratic and participatory structures
from below. Delving deeper into the planning of the everyday economy of
our town. Of our lives. It involves building people's councils,
assemblies and cooperatives, connected to trade union struggles, that
enable our people to exercise control over their lives and communities.

Building a broad but clear movement in its objectives, strategies and
tactics that finally overcome the autonomist and capitalist framework.
It is essential to build a clear movement that combines class
independence with People's Power.

This implies:

Strengthen class unions: organize the working class into strong,
democratic and revolutionary unions that can fight to improve working
conditions and prepare us for control over the means of production.

Building alliances: forming alliances between the popular classes,
social movements and oppressed communities to create a united front
against capitalism. Leaving aside all elite and non-subaltern class.

Promote political education: self-educate ourselves as a working class
on the dynamics of the system of domination, rights, history and the
functioning of capitalism. And build the imagination that surpasses it.

Create autonomous spaces: establish centers where the community is built
with the clear objective of the challenge to overcome the current
frameworks that allow us to get rid of the agenda of Capital and its
managers (whether social-liberal or social-democratic).

Overcoming this reactionary and autonomist framework, like different
faces of the same figure. It is essential to achieve social
transformation. By embracing class independence and the construction of
People's Power, we walk towards Libertarian Socialism in our land, here
and now.

For Libertarian Socialism, and the construction of People's Power
Up 11S and the fight!

A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E
By, For, and About Anarchists
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