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woensdag 25 september 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE SOUTH-AMERICA BRAZIL - news journal UPDATE - (en) Brazil, FAG: We salute the Nós por Nós Collective - Chapa 2 for their victory in the Union elections (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

We salute all the comrades of the "Nós por Nós Collective - Chapa 2
Opposition" for their victory in the elections of the Municipal Workers'
Union of Cachoeirinha/RS - SIMCA ---- A victory with a large majority
and which is the result of a long tradition of struggle by the Municipal
Workers and their relationship of solidarity with the social movements.
Facing the machinery of a powerful union center, judicial and political
harassment and even the municipal government, which shamelessly
supported Chapa 1, SIMCA returned to the fight, faithful to the
historical principles that gained a place in the Statute in the last two
decades: Class Independence, Grassroots Democracy, Class Solidarity and
Direct Action. The workers sent a great message: UNIONS ARE FOR FIGHTING!!

"The union belongs to the Municipality
The union belongs to the Municipality
It does not belong to the union's employees, nor to the boss
Negotiating without a fight is treason!"

We will continue together in the battles that lie ahead!

Federação Anarquista Gaúcha - FAG See less

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