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woensdag 25 september 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE ITALY SISILY - news journal UPDATE - (en) Italy, Sicilie Libertaria #451: AGAINST THE G7 AGRICULTURE AND FISHERIES. (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]


LIFE, INCOME, WORK ---- From 26 to 28 September the city of Syracuse
will host the G7 summit of agriculture and fisheries. The ministers of
agriculture and fisheries (of the eight) of the 7 so-called largest
governments in the world, great supporters and implementers of free
market policies, great polluters, great devastators, great responsible
for the unstoppable decline of the Planet and the oppression of its
inhabitants, will arrive in Syracuse and will barricade themselves
inside the Maniace castle on the island of Ortigia. The guest of the
convention will be Minister Lollobrigida, a political figure linked to
the right of this country who recently declared that fortunately for
this year the drought would only hit Sicily.

The official call for the summit aims to: "zero greenhouse gas emissions
and reverse biodiversity loss while providing food to the growing global
population, leaving no one behind". "Improve the sustainability of
agri-food systems, through the implementation of a wide range of
innovations and the promotion of sustainable agricultural practices".
"Intensify the efforts needed to reform or reorient agricultural
policies in order to achieve positive environmental outcomes and reduce
greenhouse gas emissions". "Reduce food loss and waste, promote healthy
diets and improve access to information on agricultural and food
products" and "Support rural revitalization through income
diversification". Lollobrigida rants about biodiversity but with the new
agriculture decree she attacks renewables. Instead of aiming to address
the problem of the conditions of animals in intensive farms that easily
become a vector of pandemics, pollution of land and water resources, she
unleashes the army and the Carabinieri against those who challenge these
structures to defend their interests. of agro-industry, and of the
hunters' lobby before those of wild fauna.

The agricultural policies of the ministry fill their mouths with terms
like "Food sovereignty" but are subservient to multinationals that
maximize profits at the expense of food quality. By producing junk food
with production systems that exploit illegal and disenfranchised labor,
they poison the environment, as well as causing processes of
desertification and soil impoverishment. Healthy and quality food is
reserved, in this neoliberal vision of the world, for a few privileged
rich people. The CAP, community agricultural policies, talk about green
transition but crush small producers by favoring intensive farming and

Calling a summit in Sicily, that land that the minister has shown to
despise and in Syracuse, represents a great contradiction and a serious
provocation. The province is the symbol of environmental and human
destruction, caused by extreme exploitation of the territory in the name
of "development at all costs" for the exclusive benefit of the profit of
a few rich people and the game of local politicians, so well represented
in parliament and government, based on solid connections between
freemasonry, politics, mafia. The Syracuse area, bordering the triangle
of death "Priolo-Augusta-Melilli" and the area bordering the Noto area
threatened by drilling, is among the most polluted in Italy and in
recent summers has seen hectares of cultivated countryside destroyed by
large fires and crops parched due to drought caused by climate change.

For half a century, oil and chemical multinationals have polluted the
air, land, water and annihilated every form of life, deceiving the
population with the mirage of a job. People have been and are attacked
by poisons, families exterminated by cancer, the population deprived of
the hope of a future, frustrated by the impossibility of handing over a
future to their children, whose life, like that of every living being in
the Syracuse area, is marked by certain risk. This is happening in a
territory, Sicily, which has always experienced first-hand the
unscrupulous choices of a colonial power that imposes privatization of
common goods such as water, implements dangerous processes of
militarization, expropriates entire slices of territory from local
populations (the nuclear port of Augusta, the Sigonella base, the Muos
in Niscemi ...), is preparing to design and build, at very high costs
for the population, death machines such as incinerators, regasification
plants, it creates detention centers (hot spots and CPR) for migrants
throughout Sicily, increasingly militarizing the Mediterranean with
deadly policies of rejection and criminalization of humanitarian ships
to boycott rescue operations at sea.

And in order not to deny the colonialist arrogance of the Italian
government, to crown the damage, the mockery is announced: a pharaonic
bridge, devastating for the territory and that no one needs except the
greed of governments, designers and builders, a clear expression of
delirious megalomania

We denounce these attacks against Sicily and we also know what the G7
impostors do "for the environment" on the entire planet. We do not
believe the rhetoric of the G7 and their false promises: the seven
powerful say they want to implement a sustainable agriculture model that
feeds the world and reduces emissions, in reality not only do they have
no answers to the ecological catastrophe they have caused but they are
planning new looting, impoverishment, disasters that are increasingly
traumatic for the planet and its ecosystem

Climate change is a sad reality in progress with prospects of upheavals
in the South of the World. As climatologist Maximiliano Herrera, a
professional climatologist, claims: "160 countries/territories have
broken heat records in this month of May. This is 300% more than in the
first half of 2023 and the first two months of 2024. Many other
countries, in the coming days, will reach record heat waves around the
world". Not knowing and not wanting to change course, the G7 choose to
use vast regions of the earth to make endless landfills and prefer to
transform the waste of mass overconsumption into clouds of dioxin that
have induced, when it is now urgent to rethink the models of life and
production/consumption and invest in the known and healthy renewable
energies and in the harmless and profitable, also in terms of jobs,
waste recycling techniques. Even when they launch investment programs in
the reduction of emissions or the negative effects of climate change,
the G7 countries promote the indebtedness of third world countries, even
transforming climate disasters into capital investments remunerated with
interest. The worsening of the living conditions of entire sections of
the population testifies to the failure of neo-liberal economic
theories, generators of the drastic increase in social inequality, of
the total precariousness of work in the name of "flexibility", of the
disappearance of work itself. Governments, which unload the priceless
price of this escalation onto the weakest links in the chain: enslaved
workers, exhausted populations, drying up resources, erasing ecosystems.
The global development model "ad infinitum" stumbles and breaks when
faced with the physical boundaries of the planet due to the
incompatibility between voracious demands and dwindling availability, a
pseudo-philosophy that must deal with the balances of global and local
ecosystems, with the riches of cultural diversity and the related social
fabrics. All this on the shoulders of workers who are exploited and
oppressed throughout the world and in our Sicily, often migrants who
arrived here in search of a better life. Like Daouda Diane, who
disappeared after reporting the conditions of exploitation in Acate. As
if that were not enough, the G7 countries are directly responsible for
the climate of war that is overwhelming our world: it is the ammunition
produced by these countries that is massacring tens of thousands of
Palestinian women and children in Gaza and Rafah.

This G7 must be contested and we will contest it: for this reason we
appeal to those who defend the territory, to those who work for a truly
organic agriculture, to social movements, to civil society, every form
of social, cultural and political aggregation and to all other people
willing to commit themselves to change this state of affairs through a
broad front of dissent against those who play with the destinies of our
land and our communities. Once again we believe that social conflicts
are the only way out of the crisis and we continue our fight against the
system of exploitation and the national and supranational institutions
that represent it.

Appointment for all-i-@ in Syracuse, from 26 to 28 September

To join: controilg7siracusa@gmail.com

Coordination Against the G7 Agriculture and Fishing

A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E
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