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maandag 30 september 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE ITALY SICILIY - news journal UPDATE - (en) Italy, Sicilie Libertaria #451: An Exhibition on Eros in Noto (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 A photographic exhibition by Fabio Montalto on Eros, in the Bassi of the

Municipality of Noto, in which next to each Work, in addition to the
image, there are verses written by the Artist himself, in harmony with
the Work that is represented. ---- Montalto's is an Eros between real
and surreal, which in addition to the beauty and sensuality it
expresses, at the same time denounces that concept of limping and
deficit-filled culture, which is breathed and lived in Noto and
throughout the Bel Paese, where Eros is still culturally confined to the
"private", both at the level of consciousness and at the linguistic
level, due to an authoritarian, repressive and conformist education,
which historically has separated and separates the body from the mind.

An Eros, which creates and establishes "power relations" between people,
between couples and especially in the family, instead of promoting and
experiencing life and pleasure, starting processes of self-liberation.

What for Pier Paolo Pasolini is "first of all culture", therefore
"ritual of the spirit", in Italy, making the necessary exceptions, is
still something that cannot be named in everyday life, because it is
experienced as a form of power, which fuels devices and controls, which
"regulate" the relationships between men and women, blocking the way to
the imaginary potential and to those possible dimensions, which could
make us put "life into action", to go through it in life both materially
and spiritually.

Roberto Bellassai

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