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maandag 30 september 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE SOUTH-AMERICA BRAZIL - news journal UPDATE - (en) Brazil, Capixaba: FACA goes to Spain (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 In the wake of the celebration of the two-year anniversary of the

founding of the Anarchist Federation of Espírito Santo, a FACA delegate
visited Spain in August with the aim of promoting the Federation and
strengthening ties with workers on the European continent. ---- We were
kindly welcomed at the Anselmo Lorenzo Foundation (FAL), where we
learned about this important space, as well as the services it provides
to the libertarian movement in Madrid, Spain and the world. Without a
shadow of a doubt, the FAL is essential for preserving and disseminating
the memory and idea of anarchism.

We were also welcomed at the headquarters of the CNT in Madrid, where we
saw union advice for workers seeking union membership, saw the
infrastructure in which the work is carried out and the extensive
library maintained by the comrades.

The alliance between exploited men and women from all over the world is
a powerful tool for struggle that cannot be ignored. In this sense, we
are grateful from the bottom of our hearts for the hospitality and
affection we received in Spain, and we hope that this small step is just
the beginning of a long anarchist partnership.

Federação Anarquista Capixaba

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