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zondag 29 september 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE SOUTH-AMERICA MEXICO - (en) Mexico, FAM, Regeneracion #15: Editorial: There is no real change under capitalism (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 On June 2, 2024, Mexican democracy gave the deplorable spectacle of

another federal election. Candidates who had nothing to do with
anarchism. Practices and new experiences to offer the Mexican people
rushed out in droves, offering more social programs, just a few mentions
of the theoretical bases of anarchism, questions of public security, and
a ton of demagoguery promising the moon and the stars, as if it were a
business (which it is).
The Mexican people, unfortunately still hooked on the hopes of a better
life coming from the outdated and useless institutions of the State,
went to the polls with a 60% participation of the total electoral roll.
Of course, the bourgeois media forgot to mention that honorable 40% of
electoral abstention. And in this madness of elections, all the
degenerate democrats called in all tones and levels to go to the polls,
lest the Mexican political system be delegitimized by the low electoral
participation, and then that 40% abstention rate that should not even be
mentioned grow.
Let us ignore the fact that of the 33 million voters for Claudia
Sheinbaum, there are 94 million inhabitants in Mexico (127.5 million
people) who did not want her government (it is not the majority who ever
chooses), of which we can say that 15 million voted for Xóchitl, 5
million for Máynez, resulting in 74 million people who did not elect
their executioner. Together the candidates barely reach 53 million votes
against the 74 million Mexicans who remain on the sidelines. Democracy,
in fact, is decided
by minorities, in this case, by
33 million voters in favor of Sheinbaum, and not by majorities
as they tirelessly want us to believe.
All this is seasoned with the deaths in the polling stations, the
assaults and theft of
the ballot boxes, the armed people burning the polling stations and the
blatant purchase of votes
despite what, the INE says, everything developed calmly and
peacefully, with a clean balance. These
facts alone demonstrate
that the political parties (which killed candidates before June 2
on both sides) are clearly criminal cartels, but
for the INE everything developed calmly.
But even ignoring
these irregularities, what awaits Mexico in the coming years?
Of course, no candidate was an option for the working classes, but even
the "least worst" does not contribute anything to social welfare: the
impunity for the collapse of Metro Line 12 that left dozens dead, the
false disappearance of the group of Granaderos, can give us an idea of
what awaits Mexico, at the head of which the next president of Mexico
only puts the sublime promise of doing things right, a change of
cabinet, and little else. In the new cabinet is Ernestina Godoy, who
left the Attorney General's Office in January of this year due to her
open incompetence. Only 4% of the crimes reported to the Attorney
General's Office under her command advanced to the courts. The
feminicides continued in stagnant investigations and to make matters
worse, the investigation of the tragedy of Metro Line 12 left everything
in total impunity. Now Ernestina Godoy
is part of the cabinet of the next government as Legal Advisor to the
Marcelo Ebrard, whose most
outstanding memory was the sheepish submission to Donald Trump in 2019
to place more police on the border with Guatemala to stop
migration, will now be the Secretary of Economy.
Mexico remains with the same political and economic situation of the
past six-year terms: nothing has changed, except for the Orwellian
publicity of the 4T, for whom
everything is going well in the midst of
misery and corpses scattered in
the streets. A system of corruption that AMLO's
demagogical trifle could not
stop, organized crime
running wild 6 years after the supposed change by the 4T, all the former
presidents unpunished, all the big thieves free enjoying their robberies
(Peña Nieto
living a life of a magnate in
Madrid), a 110% increase in the minimum wage
against 30% inflation in this 1st sexennium that denies any benefit of
the increase in the
minimum wage (the salary goes up,
but all the basic necessities go up in parallel),
gives us a clear idea of the farce that the 4T has turned out to be.
Claudia Sheinbaum is the one chosen
to place the "Second floor of the
4T", a building in which the prison is built to lock up the Mexican
people before the empire of national and international capitalism.

Of course, the opposition of the
PRIAN (the PRD lost its registration)
represented no option
after its open criminal past.
Between the thieves and criminals of the
PRIAN and the new thieves and condoners of crime of MORENA,
the electorate, that candid submissive element of the population whose
greatest aspirations are to have a
good master who whips their back
with a whip with a soft tip, chose Sheinbaum.
On behalf of the anarchists,
we said it when AMLO came to the
presidency, during his six-year term and
now that he is leaving and Sheinbaum is arriving: no government will ever
give freedom and justice to the people,
because it is precisely in the injustice and misery of the people where
those people find the justification
for their existence. Justice, freedom, well-being and the security of
the people, are the responsibility of the people themselves, and they
will do so by overcoming all governments, throwing aside the burden of
bourgeois politics that only delays their real emancipation. Governments
may come and go, and anarchism will always be valid in its criticism,
because all governments that come will never fulfill their promises or
give real freedom or justice to the people. People and government are
two opposing entities, irreconcilable enemies. And you, have you chosen
your side?

1.- https://www.inegi.org.mx/app/

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