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zondag 13 oktober 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE FRANCE - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, UCL AL #352 - Culture: Watch Thomas Johnson: Evangelicals Conquer the World (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

This three-part documentary by Thomas Johnson, available on Arte.tv[2],
follows the development of the most dynamic Christian movement in recent
decades, evangelicalism, and particularly its role in the revival of a
modern, politicized Christian fundamentalism on the right. ---- The
first episode, entitled "The Great Crusade", traces the history of this
movement, which is defined by four fundamental pillars: personal
conversion, diligent reading of the Bible, recognition of the atoning
death of Jesus, and missionary fervor.

Arising from the most conservative tendencies of the various Protestant
churches that led to the colonization of North America, the movement
truly took shape in 1942, with the birth of the National Association of
Evangelicals and the central role played by Pastor William Billy Graham
Jr., aka Billy Graham.

A charismatic figure, he participated in reinvesting Christian
communities in public affairs, through major preaching campaigns (called
"crusades"), all over the world. These "crusades" quickly took a
political turn in the context of the Cold War, to promote the "Christian
awakening" of the "free world" in the face of the communist threat.

 From there, the documentary deciphers the role of this man and the
debates in his Church in the context of the 1960s and 1970s, when the
United States was gripped by struggles against segregation and the
Vietnam War. After two decades of procrastination, at the end of a
conference bringing together 2,700 evangelicals, the Lausanne
Declaration in 1974[1]confirmed the victory of fundamentalism and the
right within the movement.

Subsequently, a large part of the Evangelical Church will become
increasingly involved in political activism, mobilizing for major
reactionary causes: the anti-abortion movement, against equal rights for
sexual minorities, the questioning of scientific theories by
creationism, frenzied nationalism and the traditional family...

All over the world, Evangelical Churches promote a rigorous vision of
faith and carry the will to impose a global theological power. Their
leaders throw all their weight behind supporting the most reactionary
leaders of the West, Trump and Bolsonaro being emblematic examples.

Evangelicalism also plays a central role in the development of Israeli
colonization, in a messianic will to trigger the apocalypse.

Rich and powerful, today with around 660 million followers and growing
rapidly in all parts of the world, the evangelical movement must be
taken seriously. Although it is not uniform - the documentary also
interviews repentant believers and opponents of the right-wing majority
line - it nonetheless remains a major player, largely underestimated in
France, in the propagation of reactionary theses.

Hugues (UCL Fougères)

Les évangéliques à la conquête du monde, by Thomas Johnson,
France/United States, 2023, 3 episodes of 53 minutes.

[1]Founding manifesto of evangelical unity, adopted by the majority of
delegates at the first world congress for the evangelization of the
world in Lausanne in July 1974.

[2]The three episodes are available on Arte.tv until September 28, 2024.

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