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zondag 13 oktober 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE SOUTH-AMERICA BRAZIL - news journal UPDATE - (en) Brazil, OSL:[ArgentinaFAR]- IV Congress of the FAR. Long live anarchism in Latin America! (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 The Anarchist Federation of Rosario (FAR), from Argentina, concluded its

IV Congress this Friday and Saturday, the 20th and 21st. At the
invitation of the FAR, the OSL was present at the meeting, along with
other anarchist organizations from Argentina and the Anarchist
Federation of Rosario (FAR), from Argentina, the Americas and also from
Europe. At the end of the Congress, the invited delegations exchanged
experiences of union work and discussed the situation in Argentina and
the world. On Saturday, a public event marked the end of the Congress.
The Congress was named "Tello Brothers", in honor of Marcelo, Rafael and
Pablo, anarchist union activists, who disappeared in the 1970s due to
the repression of the Argentine dictatorship.

In addition to OSL, the Argentine organizations OAC from Córdoba, OASC
from Santa Cruz, OAR from Buenos Aires, OAT from Tucumán, and Impulso A
from Neuquén participated, as well as FAU from Uruguay, FAS from Chile,
Black Rose/Rosa Negra from the USA, and the CGT trade union from Spain.

We are grateful for the receptiveness of our comrades from the FAR, and
we congratulate all the delegations present at the meeting. It was a
rich opportunity to strengthen ties and promote anarchism in Latin America!

Read below the greeting read by the OSL delegation at the Congress:

We, from the Libertarian Socialist Organization of Brazil, greet the
sisters and brothers of the Anarchist Federation of Rosario at the end
of this congress. In a time of innumerable uncertainties and of a
supposed triumph of capitalist barbarism, it is admirable that an
anarchist political organization reaches its fourth congress, in an
interval of nine years. A proof of the current situation and the need
for class struggle on our continent and around the world.

We also welcome activists from other anarchist organizations present
here. As we have been taught for over 150 years, our political project
is internationalist, and the exchange of experiences in spaces like this
is fundamental for us to be able to reflect and act in our regions.

The FAR plays a very important role in strengthening anarchism in
Argentina and the region as a whole. We at OSL have you as a reference
for theoretical and political development, and we enthusiastically
follow the advance of organized anarchism in Argentine territory.
Despite being a new organization, founded a year ago, our activism
carries the experience of three decades of organized anarchism in
Brazil, and during this period it was the strengthening of ties with
Uruguayan and Argentine comrades, especially, that allowed us to advance
and consolidate our political activities.

We have been following the challenges facing the Argentine people in
this most recent period, with the election of the far-right
ultra-liberal Javier Milei. It is another difficult moment, which
represents a series of challenges, but which also reinforces the need
for an anarchist organization, which has a clear political project to
break with the capitalist system, and an adequate strategy to achieve
this goal. The congress is the best way to sharpen your tools and
recharge your energy for what is to come.

We wish you a victorious cycle of struggles in the next period, and that
anarchism can grow throughout Rosario and throughout Argentina. Count on
OSL on this journey, so that we can take increasingly coordinated steps
towards socialism and freedom.


We from the Libertarian Socialist Organization of Brazil, greet the
comrades of the Anarchist Federation of Rosario at this congress. At a
time of great uncertainty and the supposed triumph of capitalist
barbarism, it is admirable that an anarchist political organization is
holding its fourth congress in nine years. This is proof of the validity
and necessity of the class struggle on our continent and throughout the

We also salute the militants of other anarchist organizations present
here. As we have been taught for more than 150 years, our political
project is internationalist, and the exchange of experiences in spaces
like this is essential for us to reflect and act in our regions.

The FAR plays a very important role in strengthening anarchism in
Argentina and throughout the region. From the OSL we look to them as a
reference for theoretical and political development, and we are looking
forward to the progress of organized anarchism in Argentina. Although we
are a new organization, founded a year ago, our militancy has the
experience of three decades of organized anarchism in Brazil, and during
this period it was the strengthening of ties with Uruguayan and
Argentine comrades, in particular, that allowed us to advance and
consolidate our political action.

We have been following the challenges faced by the Argentine people in
this last period, with the election of the far-right ultra-liberal
Javier Milei. It is another difficult moment, which poses a series of
challenges, but which also reinforces the need for an anarchist
organization that has a clear political project of breaking with the
capitalist system, and an adequate strategy to achieve this objective.
The congress is the best way to sharpen the tools and recharge energies
for what is to come.

We wish you a victorious cycle of struggles in the coming period, and
that anarchism grows in Rosario and throughout Argentina. Count on the
OSL in this path, so that we take increasingly coordinated steps towards
socialism and freedom.


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