Courant Alternatif issue 343 is in print. To receive it directly,
subscribe. Reserve it at our distribution locations ---- The "front page"
and the summary below. ---- The articles will be published on the site
throughout the month, as soon as subscriptions are received. ---- To
learn more about Courant Alternatif, an Anarchist-communist monthly
published since 1980, click here ---- editorial: If elections could
change something...
pages 4 to 6: The stakes of electoralist confinement advocated by trade
union and political organizations
pages 6 to 9: The revolts following the death of Nahel
pages 10: It's over but it's never over
page 11: Boom
Wage insubordination page 12
The economy in brief page 13
page 14: Demonstration on October 12 in Rouen
Vertement écolo: page 15
pages 16 to 18: Territorial struggles in question
pages 19 to 21: The Earth Rises
Big Brother: pages 22-23
pages 24 to 26: Against the Social and Political Treatment of Immigrants
page 27: With God, we do not discuss!
pages 28-29: Israel/Palestine, one State, two States?
pages 30 to 32: Bangladesh, understanding the social explosion
page 33-34: United States: What direction for the Empire?
pages 35 to 39: New Caledonia: state of affairs after the riots
page 40: New Caledonia, solidarity against repression is urgent
This issue was prepared in Quercy and laid out in Poitou
The journal commission to prepare the December issue will take place in
Saint-Nazaire at the end of October
Courant Alternatif has been published monthly since 1981, without an
editorial board, produced in a militant and decentralized manner by
people who are members or close to the Libertarian Communist
Organization, the OCL.
One weekend per month, a Journal Commission (JC) is organized in a
different city to prepare the next issue. Interested sympathizers can
participate, as well as OCL activists from the city in question and
representatives of other OCL groups.
Each JC is responsible for criticizing the previous issue, discussing
articles proposed by people present or not; to generate others based on
events and the wishes expressed by groups or individuals. ---- In
addition, each CJ begins with a debate on a current topic, which allows
decisions to be made regarding the activities of the OCL, if necessary.
The organizing collective then writes a political and technical report
as precise as possible, then, during the next two weeks, follows up on
what has been decided for the newspaper (connections, contacts, etc.)
and it is the one who writes the editorial based on the discussion in
the CJ or events that occur afterwards.
If you would like to attend and participate in one of these meetings,
write to us.
A - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C E
By, For, and About Anarchists
Send news reports to A-infos-en mailing list
subscribe. Reserve it at our distribution locations ---- The "front page"
and the summary below. ---- The articles will be published on the site
throughout the month, as soon as subscriptions are received. ---- To
learn more about Courant Alternatif, an Anarchist-communist monthly
published since 1980, click here ---- editorial: If elections could
change something...
pages 4 to 6: The stakes of electoralist confinement advocated by trade
union and political organizations
pages 6 to 9: The revolts following the death of Nahel
pages 10: It's over but it's never over
page 11: Boom
Wage insubordination page 12
The economy in brief page 13
page 14: Demonstration on October 12 in Rouen
Vertement écolo: page 15
pages 16 to 18: Territorial struggles in question
pages 19 to 21: The Earth Rises
Big Brother: pages 22-23
pages 24 to 26: Against the Social and Political Treatment of Immigrants
page 27: With God, we do not discuss!
pages 28-29: Israel/Palestine, one State, two States?
pages 30 to 32: Bangladesh, understanding the social explosion
page 33-34: United States: What direction for the Empire?
pages 35 to 39: New Caledonia: state of affairs after the riots
page 40: New Caledonia, solidarity against repression is urgent
This issue was prepared in Quercy and laid out in Poitou
The journal commission to prepare the December issue will take place in
Saint-Nazaire at the end of October
Courant Alternatif has been published monthly since 1981, without an
editorial board, produced in a militant and decentralized manner by
people who are members or close to the Libertarian Communist
Organization, the OCL.
One weekend per month, a Journal Commission (JC) is organized in a
different city to prepare the next issue. Interested sympathizers can
participate, as well as OCL activists from the city in question and
representatives of other OCL groups.
Each JC is responsible for criticizing the previous issue, discussing
articles proposed by people present or not; to generate others based on
events and the wishes expressed by groups or individuals. ---- In
addition, each CJ begins with a debate on a current topic, which allows
decisions to be made regarding the activities of the OCL, if necessary.
The organizing collective then writes a political and technical report
as precise as possible, then, during the next two weeks, follows up on
what has been decided for the newspaper (connections, contacts, etc.)
and it is the one who writes the editorial based on the discussion in
the CJ or events that occur afterwards.
If you would like to attend and participate in one of these meetings,
write to us.
A - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C E
By, For, and About Anarchists
Send news reports to A-infos-en mailing list
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