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dinsdag 8 oktober 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE GERMANY - news journal UPDATE - (en) Germany, Die Platform: Moving forward together: Report from the UCL summer camp (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 This year's summer camp of our sister organization Union communiste

libertaire (UCL) took place from August 11th to 18th in the Aveyron
region of southern France. As in previous years, a broad program filled
the entire week. With over 150 participants from all parts of France and
Belgium, the camp was a place where the entire federation came together.
We as a platform were also there again this year with a delegation that
included comrades from five of our local groups. ---- During the six
days of camp, we discussed a wide range of current topics together - for
example, the feminist practice of the UCL in relation to increasing
transphobia, the structure of the organization and its admission
process. We also exchanged ideas with our comrades about the
international coordination of anarchist organizations - to which UCL and
the platform belong -, right-wing developments in Europe and common
perspectives for the near future. As in previous years, the strong trade
union focus of the UCL was striking. There was a specific exchange of
views on the practice of the UCL in the CGT and Solidaires unions, and
the strategy of the organization within these unions was presented and
introduced. This year's discussions also focused on the topic of
anti-fascism due to the increasing popularity of the Rassemblement
National and the general shift to the right, which is also affecting
French companies and unions.

In addition to substantive discussions, the evenings also offered a good
opportunity to get to know each other personally and, away from the
often stressful everyday life, to sing together to historical and
current revolutionary songs, dance or cool off in the river in the
beautiful nature near the camp. We were particularly pleased that we
were able to meet the comrades of our Spanish sister organization Liza
from Madrid. The camp was also a wonderful experience for us as a
delegation, where we were able to come closer together and learn from
our sister organizations. The well-organized self-administration with
its own kitchen and cleaning shifts, speakers for marginalized or
oppressed groups or the self-organized sports and leisure activities and
daily general assemblies in the evening created a pleasant framework for
a shared togetherness.

We are not coming back empty-handed, because at the camp we conducted
some interviews with the UCL and with our international comrades, which
we will publish in the near future. Since we are planning to organize
our own summer camps in the future, we were also able to take a lot with
us from the organization of the summer camp but also from the UCL in
general, which we will incorporate into our structures and plans.

Looking back, the camp was one of our highlights of the year. Whether it
was singing French, Spanish and German songs together at the karaoke
evening or the general warmth with which the comrades welcomed us - we
will not soon forget that and we are grateful for that. It is empowering
and gives hope, even in these difficult times, to see how our movement
is growing in all parts of the world, how there are people everywhere
who carry the revolutionary class struggle in their hearts and who are
pushing forward the libertarian-socialist perspective with all their
passion and willpower.

Long live the Union communiste libertaire!

Long live international friendship and solidarity!

A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E
By, For, and About Anarchists
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