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zaterdag 12 oktober 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE ITALY - news journal UPDATE - (en) Italy, UCADI #189 - The US at the polls (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 The debate on September 10 between Trump and Harris, less than two

months before the vote, presented the two candidates to the electorate,
but it does not seem to have affected the current distribution of
consensus, so much so that the position of the two contenders currently
appears balanced. The international press, commenting on the debate,
practices in predicting the prevalence of one of the two candidates,
depending on the political orientations of the newspaper for which the
journalist works, and in any case from the reports it appears as if the
result of the vote actually depended on the ability of one of the two
contenders to convince the electorate: in reality the issue is much more
complex. The political system of the United States, regardless of who
wins the electoral contest, is governed by a complex intertwining of
balances between lobbies of different orientations that act as bearers
of interests and invest in this or that candidate, often in both, to the
extent that they think they can obtain sufficient guarantees to assure
them that the objectives they pursue will be shared by the manager of
the administration and therefore by the winner of the electoral contest.
This very complex mechanism, made up of the activities of pressure and
interest groups, continuously exercised on the managers of political
power, does not end at the moment of the election, because, once the
name of the apparent confrontation between different interest groups and
political ideologies, programs and electoral promises is known, a
negotiation begins that leads to the distribution of the sub-government
positions that are responsible for the real effective management of
power. The American political system in fact provides for the use of the
spoils system, or the use by the elected President of a trust model for
the selection of public managers responsible for implementing the
political lines of the power group that supports the winner of the
electoral confrontation. This model is in contrast to that of the merit
system, of Napoleonic origin, transfused into the continental European
Constitutions, a neutral model at least on paper, in which managers are
selected through public competition. However, today the spoils system
has in fact imposed itself in all Western countries, beyond the
constitutional provisions that would like a neutral State apparatus,
capable of guaranteeing the democracy of the institutions. It is
therefore the various aggregates of the spoils system that effectively
manage the politics of the new government, specializing in relation to
the sectors of interest for the business lobby group that expressed them
and that they represent.
This premise on the functioning of the American political system is
functional to explain that the political orientation of an elected
candidate is made up of a set of positions on specific dossiers that
together constitute the political orientation that will characterize the
activity of the elected administration. It may thus happen that
positions on economic policy and management of the country's internal
problems aimed at satisfying the interests of proletarianized classes
and social groups, correspond to a foreign policy apparently in
dissonance with these orientations or in any case inconsistent with
respect to the eyes of an external observer.

Political parties and lobbies of reference today in the USA

The United States of today is the center of a dying empire whose
strength, progressively built over the last two centuries, was and is
based on a distributed presence rather than on the direct control of
territories, which uses about 1800 bases distributed throughout the
world, manned by the United States and its allies, aimed above all at
controlling maritime and commercial communications, aimed at controlling
world trade. This world has undergone a progressive degradation since
the end of the Cold War and bipolarism with the Soviet Union which in
some way guaranteed the presence of a world order. Now it has been
progressively and with ever greater force replaced by a multipolar
world, structured by plates, which in some way follow the continental
platforms, which appears increasingly uncontrollable, especially after
the birth of the BRICKS and the progressive prevalence of the most
populous part of the world over the West.
In relation to this new structure that is emerging, the two traditional
parties of the United States have had different evolutions: on the one
hand we find the Republican Party which in fact no longer exists in its
original form, which has undergone the so-called tramping, that is, it
has become an instrument in the hands of Donald Trump who controls all
its activities and directs its politics, adopting a populist vision of
the relationship with the electorate, which looks at classes and
sections of the population, especially white, expelled from the labor
market, victim of globalization and productive restructuring, to the
rural population of the country, to religious communities especially
neo-Protestant and Evangelical, supporters of the "Theology of
Prosperity": for them poverty is a sin, it is the fruit of sin and the
punishment for sin and therefore it is necessary to do everything to
achieve wealth, because with it one achieves salvation. This indistinct
jumble of impulses makes the Republican Party today the distant heir of
that political movement whose name it bears and which claimed and
identified itself in the isolation and supremacy of the United States,
identifying in it the mission of the nation and at the same time the way
through which to recognize the country's moral supremacy over the world.
On the other side we find the Democratic Party that still retains the
characteristics of a complex and composite political family, made up of
various souls that range from the moderate center to the most genuine
left-wing positions, represented by politicians like Benny Sanders and
characterized by the presence of particularly influential political
families such as the Clintons and Obama, by timeless political figures
such as the former speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi or emerging ones
such as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and many others. This party is also
surrounded, flanked and infiltrated by lobbies and pressure groups that
are the expression of particular interests and that fight to be
represented in the new administration and impose their objectives in
order to guide its political choices, to protect their interests.
A novelty of this electoral confrontation seems to be the deep division
created between the lobbies constituted by the economic and financial
groups. A deep division is emerging with ever greater force among the IT
industries of the Silicon Valley basin, divided between those that
continue to support the Democrats, being interested in relocating part
of the production to Mexican territory, withdrawing the investments that
have proved unsafe to us from the Pacific area, and instead that part of
industry and finance that is comfortable with the Republican Party and
continues to invest in the Pacific area, maintaining the relocations
carried out in its time and therefore interested in maintaining priority
support for Taiwan and therefore preferring a disengagement from the war
in Ukraine.
Particularly strong among the lobbies that support the Democratic Party
are the Ukrainian lobby established in 2019 and of which the son of the
current President of the United States Biden and interest groups linked
to the food industry and those of biological and chemical
experimentation, interested in the mineral deposits of Donbass, are part.
This lobby is flanked by the one constituted by the Patriarchate of
Constantinople whose main lobbyist is Ioannis Elpidophoros
(Lambranidis), Archbishop of America, closely linked to the State
Department, who divides his attention between the Democrats and
Republicans. In fact, on July 15, 2024, he pronounced the opening
invocation on the first day of the Republican Party Convention and on
August 20, 2024, he did the same on the second day of the Democratic
Party Convention. The lobby directed and coordinated by him is
particularly important in determining the policies of the United States
with respect to Ukraine where the Patriarchate of Constantinople is
acquiring, through the pro-government Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox
Church created by it, control of the religious structures and especially
of the assets of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.[1]Incidentally, the
ambitions of the Patriarchate of Constantinople go well beyond this,
since it aims to be accredited to the European Union as a representative
of the Orthodox of the Union, who with the entry of Ukraine and other
Eastern countries should constitute 1/5 of the population of the future
European Union. The two sides of American politics are then divided on
the policy to adopt towards China, seen as the main competitor of the
United States, since, while within the Republican Party the anti-Chinese
component seems to predominate, among the Democrats the lobbies that aim
to dismember Russia, considered the main competitor of the country, seem
to prevail.

In the coils of the serpent

The impulses present within the political world of the United States,
briefly mentioned, are only partially explainable, in our humble
opinion, with economic reasons, since they are stuffed with a set of
factors that condition and determine their complexity. At first glance,
the country should be free from historical reminiscences, being a
country of migrants, and therefore a substantially new amalgam of
populations, the result of a melting pot that should give everyone a new
identity. On the contrary, the migrants who came to the country seem to
have brought with them historical impulses and hatreds, ancestral claims
and sufferings, to the point that each ethnic, linguistic, as well as
national group, maintains in whole or in part objectives, memories,
hatreds, memories of wrongs suffered. Thus we witness the strong and
conditioning presence of the Jewish lobby. Certainly today no longer
cohesive and univocally oriented in support of Israel or in any case of
its government, which is opposed and in some ways supported by an
Islamic lobby, of growing importance and volume. These lobbies have
taken the place of others that are less important today, such as that of
the Irish, who supported and in part still support the unification of
the country of origin, through political and economic support for the
nationalists of Ireland; the lobby of Russian immigrants who constituted
a single pressure group at the time of the Soviet Union and who now
appear divided in pursuing the independence and autonomy of this or that
part of the immense territory that forms the Russian Federation. They
are joined by lobbies made up of Polish immigrants or those from the
Baltic countries, certainly less numerous, but of growing importance due
to the acquired economic weight and the fortunes of those who are part
of them. The result is a spread of activities of interest groups that
claim, with respect to the countries of origin. the role of custodians
of memory and at the same time of custodians and custodians of the
restoration of the ancient values that constituted the lost and violated
Overall, a jumble, often nauseating and decidedly disturbing, of
frustrated people who, lacking a strong identity, a memory and a
collective history of their own, seek in microhistory and in their
particular origins the reasons for their lost identity.
Fortunately, alongside this part of the population of migrant origin
that feels substantially alien to the melting pot of the United States,
even though they say they share it and dream of it, there are the young
generations who finally find in their restored relationship and in their
reconciliation with the native populations and with the black
populations. alien to the mechanism described, because forged by the
common origins and destinies of slaves, the reasons for a new identity,
laboriously sought and built without the memories and ghosts of the
past. For our part, we hope to be able to look at this part of the
population of the United States as citizens of the world, also because
it is precisely among this part of the population that the social and
egalitarian demands for greater protection for the underprivileged and
marginalized components of the population are growing and asserting
themselves, both from an economic point of view and in terms of the
enjoyment of social rights.

[1]We bring this character to the attention of readers because he is
most likely destined to be the future Patriarch of Constantinople,
having been born in Turkey and possessing all the characteristics to
succeed to the throne of Bartholomew and therefore influence the
international politics of the sect of priests and monks of the Fenar of
Constantinople in the coming decades.

The Editorial Staff

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