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zaterdag 12 oktober 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE FRANCE - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, UCL AL #352 - Spotlight: Transfeminicides: Tributes following the murders of Géraldine and Angelina (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 Recently, rallies have been organized throughout France to denounce the

transfeminicides of Géraldine and Angelina. These murders are indicative
of a climate of hatred towards trans people. ---- In July, two trans
women were murdered in one week. The Sex Work Union (Strass),
Prevention, Health, Work for Transgenders (Pastt) and Concrete Actions
for Reconciling: Education, Prevention, Work, Equity, Health and Sport
for Trans People (Acceptess-T) have called for a rally on July 16 in
tribute to the victims and for solidarity against transfeminicides.

The case of Géraldine, a 30-year-old Peruvian migrant and sex worker
(SSW) stabbed and murdered in her apartment in Paris, is symptomatic of
the physical dangers faced by trans women.

The transphobic motive of the crime is obvious, as the murderer reported
himself to the police, claiming to have been "tricked" into discovering
Géraldine's trans identity. A few days earlier, Angelina, a 55-year-old
trans woman, was brutally murdered by her partner in their apartment in
Compiègne, Picardy. This murder highlights the vulnerability of trans
women to domestic violence, aggravated by precarious economic and social

The consequences of transphobic policies

These transfeminicides are the consequences of repressive and
transphobic policies, targeting in particular sex workers, made more
vulnerable by anti-immigration laws and the 2016 law penalizing clients.
This last law, adopted under Hollande, proposed and voted by the
socialists and the Left Front at the time, has indeed sparked lively
controversy and criticism, particularly regarding its impact on the
working conditions and safety of sex workers, including trans women.

This law ignores the realities experienced by these women, who often
find themselves marginalized and exposed to a greater risk of violence:
it forces them to hide, finding themselves alone facing violent clients.
The testimony of Géraldine's mother and the statements of activists
recall the material reality of this violence: in Paris, a sex worker is
murdered on average every two years[1].

Trans women and migrant sex workers still on the front lines

According to data from the NGO Transgender Europe (TGEU)[2], globally
48% of victims of transfemicides in 2023 were sex workers, a figure that
rises to 78% in Europe. 45% were migrants.

The perpetrators of transfemicides often do not admit to having had a
relationship with a trans woman, and justify their violence by claiming
temporary madness following the discovery of their partner's trans
identity. This is what is called in the United States the "trans panic
defense", a judicial strategy already used in the past to justify
homophobic attacks.

The situation is alarming because violence against trans people persists
in a context where the extreme right and its hate speech are gaining
ground. Faced with transfeminicides and transphobic violence, the
response must be collective and solidarity with migrant TDS is essential.

Rose (UCL Paris North-East)

[1]Press release from Acceptess-T, PASTT and STRASS, July 10, 2024.

[2]Trans Murder Monitoring 2023 Global Update, November 13, 2023,

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