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zaterdag 12 oktober 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE SPAIN - news journal UPDATE - (en) Spain, Regeneration: Some brief conclusions from the first meeting of Especifist Anarchism By REGLIB (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

Last July, the first Meeting of Especifist Anarchism in Spain was held
in Calafou (Vallbona d'Anoia, Catalonia). A meeting organized based on
the militant work of several organizations, which began working on the
relaunch of this medium almost a year ago. ---- This Especifist Meeting,
despite being the first, can be classified as a complete success, since
it represents a first step towards the construction of an organized,
strategic and effective anarchism. An anarchism that redevelops its
capacity to understand, influence and transform the reality in which we
live, capable of formulating questions and getting the answers right.

In this article we intend to make a brief review of the lessons that not
only the Especifist organizations that have participated and promoted it
have taken away, but that can be useful to numerous activists outside
this movement and with a clear desire to contribute to overcoming our

1st Participation

First of all, we would like to highlight the turnout, which, although it
is not the most important thing, is a clear symptom of the interest that
the Especifist proposal is beginning to arouse in the Spanish state. We
were able to meet activists from many organizations, not only those that
participate in Regeneración, but from different territories where,
today, Especifism does not have reference organizations. We were also
able to meet with union activists from different parts of the state,
among whom we were able to share different impressions of the current
state of their respective realities.

At this point it is necessary to highlight that, sadly, we were not able
to accommodate all the people who wanted to participate. This is
something that we hope can be solved for future editions. Even so, we
would like to apologize to the people who, after showing their interest
in participating, had to be rejected for various reasons. We would also
like to thank all the comrades who came, many of whom had to travel long
distances to attend.

2nd Militant Commitment

During our stay in Calafou we were able to corroborate what we already
suspected. Within the Especifista movement there is a large number of
militants with a high level of commitment, political capacity and
revolutionary spirit.

Now we know with certainty that behind each person there is a
revolutionary militant. A militant who does not exist one weekend a
year, but quite the opposite: a militant who acts every day in her
reality to be able to transform it in a revolutionary sense. Behind each
militant there are multiple projects, organizations, struggles and
sacrifices to build a new world. Having said that, we cannot feel
anything but pride in sharing the struggle with such great militants.

3rd Political Level

If we were to highlight this militant force only for its commitment and
dedication we would be lying. The reality is that apart from the
commitment we have been able to see a high political level. Militants
with a great and rich experience in different struggles, an enormous
facility for debate among comrades, a very diverse political training
both at a theoretical and practical level with the ability to share this
training with the rest of the militants.

In short, a base on which a project of revolutionary intention can be
developed, trusting that there are reasons to think that we are capable
of making it come to fruition.

It is necessary to mention the atmosphere of healthy confrontation that
was experienced throughout the meeting. After all, it is part of the
interest of this type of space to be able to use it to confront
positions and learn about others with comrades that in our day to day
life may be more difficult for us. But, as we mentioned, this
confrontation always took place in a positive climate of camaraderie.


This first Meeting of Especifist Anarchism leaves us with a good taste
in our mouths and encourages us to continue working on the construction
of that anarchism that we desire and understand is necessary. As we
said, this is the first of many more meetings.

We hope to be up to the task and, together with the companions who will
come, to be able to build the organizational model that we want in the
best possible way. Perhaps it is not correct for us to say it, but we
feel great pride in the meeting that, with so much work, we have managed
to bring forward. Thank you to all of you who have made this possible
and we hope to continue working side by side.

Long live those who fight!

A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E
By, For, and About Anarchists
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