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zaterdag 19 oktober 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE ITALY - news journal UPDATE - (en) Italy, UCADI #189 - What's new - CRIMINAL POLICE STATE - FASCIST LAWS LAID DOWN (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 The Chamber of Deputies has approved by a large majority the Bill 1660,

with which without too many turns of phrase, the police state is
established in Italy.
* Roadblocks and therefore strikes become a criminal offense with
sentences of up to 2 years in prison;
* protests in prison or in CPRs can be punished with up to 20 years in
* ditto for those who protest against major works;
* even the "propaganda" of the struggles is punishable by up to 6 years,
being considered "terrorism of the word";
* prison sentences of up to 7 years are ordered for those who occupy a
vacant house or show solidarity with occupations;
* up to 15 years are imposed for active resistance;
* up to 4 years for passive resistance (new crime, renamed "anti-Ghandi");
* law enforcement is given the right to possess a second personal weapon
outside of the service weapon and outside of service;
* immediate imprisonment is ordered even for pregnant mothers or mothers
with children under one year of age;
* last but not least, immigrants without a residence permit are even
banned from using a cell phone, making the purchase of a SIM card
conditional on possession of a residence permit;
* the use of medical cannabis is made illegal;

All this with the complicit silence of the "parliamentary opposition",
which beyond a purely flag-based vote against has not lifted a finger to
actually oppose the new "fascist" laws, which are worse than the Rocco
code itself.
Indeed: out of approximately 160 parliamentarians, at the time of the
vote in Montecitorio the "opposition" only had 91 in the chamber!!!
Not only that: before the final vote on the bill, the PD and 5 Star
Movement presented some motions (accepted by the government) that
committed the latter to increase spending to hire new police officers
and prison guards: yet another proof of how, beyond some nuances, in
essence they are all united in the direction of a tightening of
repressive measures, functional to war and the war economy, that is, in
fact, to the introduction of a real martial law!

Now the word goes to the Senate, which will surely approve this ignoble
and infamous law in a short time.


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