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maandag 21 oktober 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE UK - news journal UPDATE - (en) UK, ACG, Jackdaw: When the Poor Blame the Poor, the Rich Win (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 During the summer we witnessed protests around England, targeting people

of colour and migrants in a horrifying display of racist hatred. Much of
this was instigated by organised extreme right groups, but what is
worrying is that their message of hate has found support among the
working class. It is a general problem in Britain today that the working
class is very divided, not only by racism, but by nationalism, sexism,
and other oppressions. If we are to overthrow the current system and
create a new society in which there is no exploitation or oppression,
then instead of blaming others who are in a terrible situation, such as
migrants, we need to unite to fight our real enemy: the bosses,
landlords, and the government.

Politicians of all persuasions have used immigrants as a handy scapegoat
to divert attention from the failures of the capitalist system itself,
failures to provide decent pay, housing, health care and services to the
mass of the population, be they pensioners, whose conditions are
worsening, or young people denied a future.
The far-right Robinson and Farage are loathsome, of course. Their racist
and antiimmigrant rhetoric has fuelled the developing situation. But to
concentrate on them when both Tories and Labour have themselves
significantly contributed to the whipping up of racist and immigrant
hatred ignores the state of play with all the capitalist parties, not to
mention the mainstream media. The Tories concentrated on the small boats
crossing the English Channel and on their farcical and costly Rwanda scheme.
In this issue of Jackdaw, we showcase the campaigns and initiatives that
are bringing people together: working class communities against
corporations, landlords, and local authorities.

A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E
By, For, and About Anarchists
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