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zondag 10 maart 2013

(en) France, Alternative Libertaire #224 - Read: John Holloway, Crack Capitalism (fr)

This book by John Holloway is a continuation of his book with the evocative title Change 
the world without taking power, released in 2002. In today's world, the best way to end 
the capitalist system is not to reproduce, develop other ways of living, what the author 
calls "do it." ---- After a more or less conventional system and the global dynamics of 
capitalism as a means of domination over the life of each, accompanied by a questioning of 
his right arm, the State as a means of policing the author attacks the traditional means 
of struggle in the far left (Marxism, anarchism, anti-globalization, autonomy). Indeed, 
Holloway believes that all militant groups, whatever their form, unconsciously, very often 
remain trapped in a vision of labor, social organization, the revolution can not overthrow 
the capitalist system.

Indeed, for him, is the capital which determines the time of conflict and revolution is 
seen as a future to prepare as many everyday experiences are created without delay "the 
big night".

For the author, it is then necessary to look and use what is at the moment, whatever the 
size of the experiment (the creation of a Amap the Zapatista movement through the opening
of a squat or library, for example) to build different lifestyles. This is what is called
a " gap "in the book. These breccias are multiple forms and are moments or places where 
there is a will of insubordination against the system, large or small, individual or 
collective, ephemeral or wishing to register in time. And Holloway, it will be all of 
these gaps, as different as they are, that may be a way to overthrow capitalism. We can 
blame this book very theoretical, although he quotes many examples, some complexity and 
therefore at times some difficulty reading for people unaccustomed to the great debates on 
Marxism and its currents. This is still a real bombshell dominant ideas. It allows us to 
ask questions about our own daily practices and activists. It does not provide solutions 
or certainty in relation to the changing world, or answers, but gives us an opening to an
infinity of experiences that are the daily to destroy capitalism.

Vince (Paris AL Northeast)

? John Holloway, Crack Capitalism, 33 theses against capital , 2012, Libertalia Editions,
458 pages, 20 euros.

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