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zondag 10 maart 2013

(en) France, Coordination of Anarchist Groups CGA - "Securing" of employment: organizing the response on March 5 afterwards! - World of Work Social Struggles (fr)

The left in power: social regression in all directions --- The government Ayrault and all
media arsenal which is devoted have already begun to try to convince the workers and the 
workers that the bill says "security" job is to improve our working conditions. ---- Yet 
this "agreement" between the MEDEF and leader-es of the CFDT, CFTC and CGC (in the 
greatest contempt of their bases) would be indeed a major regression and history of labor
law in France 's he came to be adopted by parliament: 1. Major worsening inequality of 
rights between employee-es with the predominance of the company agreement on the branch 
agreement and the law. 2. Facilitating mobility forced layoffs and 3. Dismissal for 
"personal reasons" (!) All-employee e-e who refuses a job change or transfer.

4. Lower wages in case of "serious economic difficulties." With dismissal for "personal 
reasons" for those who refuse. While exempting the company from any obligation to 
reclassification. 5. Reducing the time and opportunities to legal challenge social plans 
and redundancies. 6. Reduce time to challenge before the courts on the issue of wages. 7.
In the consultations, the lack of notice of the employee representative institutions is 
negative opinion that was not the case until now.

Following the program: new offensive against our pensions
But this attack against our rights and living conditions is only d?but_! Bill against 
which we protest today is not even before the National Assembly that the socialist 
government is already talk of a new pension reform. To: a reduction in pension or an 
increase in the retirement age ... In short, we will probably both!

Everyone in the street and especially to strike back:
They do not understand that!

The extent of antisocial attacks looming today require us clarity and determination.
Lucidity because each-e must understand that there is no today to "convince" the 
government, or the " bring to reason "as we have heard during the movement against pension 
reform desired by Sarkozy in 2010. The government knows what he's doing. A So we also know 
that we have to do our part: DO FOLD BY THE REPORT OF FORCE.
determination as From, we'll need, because both left and right governments who orchestrate 
social regression is never let go easily taken. We are not employers and, as such, 
contrary to some employers who are self-proclaimed "pigeons" a few months ago, a petition
on Facebook is not enough to prevent the law from being passed. This project is a 
widespread, and facing a general attack, only a general strike will be up. Also want to go 
to Holland adoption, then our strike will continue until the withdrawal! If we do not meet 
these two conditions, the law will be adopted unfortunately fail.


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