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zondag 3 maart 2013

(en) France, Coordination of Anarchist Groups CGA Infos and Libertairian Analyses - With or without marriage, our desires are a mess! (fr)

Anti-patriarchy IAL ---- While countries such as the Netherlands, have legalized marriage
between two persons of the same sex for over 10 years, the backlog?e?s who serve us?e?s 
deputy and senator?e?s reluctance matrix even when it?it?s are not reduced?e?s good to 
large short counter straight out of the harbor of the most filthy H?t?roland. Last date or 
in any case to which I address the prize for the best release of the year 2012: Christine
Boutin, the same old pie crying already waving the Bible in Parliament during the debate 
on the PACS. This time, it provides: "Everyone has the right to marry. Homosexuals can 
marry, but they must do so with another person of the opposite sex. "If so, I swear, she 
dared. And I feel that the next few weeks we will indulge a little. Here are some ways to
breathe, think and contreattaquer.

The intellectual self-defense, a necessity

For us, the anarchists, the question of marriage, regardless of our practices and (dis) 
sexual orientation, it will be a little banged Coquillard, quite frankly. The State that 
are fighting celebrates our union and we do promise fidelity to the life and death to the
Civil Code, it is not part of our priority. Marriage remains a patriarchal institution 
that provides a human appropriation of a particular woman ... and then the kitchen after 
work, clean linen and ironed the conjugal duty and reproduction of the species. There has
to see that a tolerance for adultery of men compared to women in heterosexual couples to 
understand what marriage is. In the best case, the man "conciliatory" ask "his" woman to 
make a choice (and thus implicitly to break contact with her lover). Otherwise, as usual,
sure of his right and possession of the report it has on "his" woman, a strong man and go
directly to bang the protective lover, when this is not the woman who takes. Because it 
should not be forgotten that the heterosexual couple is the first space (ahead of the 
street at night ...) where exercising male violence against women.

So when we talk about violence in our relationships less h?t?ronorm?es, perversions, safe
for children, bestiality etc.., I admit that a good laugh (yellow) with our partners! When 
you read "No to homofolie! "The head of the demonstration of fascists November 18, we 
almost want to tell them we'd like to put a little crazy in their life and rotten world 
because women killed at the hands of their husband, father, We ... brother, it does not 
excite us, that we revolt!

Beyond that, it is interesting to see how their speech changes over the debate. Critics of 
the law, authorities monotheistic religions in mind, re-orient gradually their discourse 
around the issue of parenthood. They are not suddenly become for marriage for everyone, 
but they feel that this part of their discourse helps. E ? a child would "right" to a 
father and mother is the famous "right of the child" we are still opposed to the right to
have a child ? e. That reduce them children and teenagers ? e ? s demi?tres unable to make 
a decision and take (witness the media coverage of the decision of Camille and Genevieve,
two teenage girls from Le Puy-en-Velay, joining the Occupy movement of ZAD), those who 
would force women to give birth while their material or psychological does not allow or 
simply when they do not want, they want us to believe they defend the well-being of children?!

Especially to listen to all the children who do not have a father and a mother who live 
together in a house in the suburbs are doomed ? e ? s become delinquent ? e ? s or 
degenerated ? e ? s. A thought for all the children of single-parent families, divorced, 
blended, broken, LGBT (because they already exist in practice) for children raised in the
community, for the orphan ? e ? s ... I go on? Yes, you guessed it, for the reactionaries, 
we the majority of beings in distress that should be preserved from evil. In reality, 
there are plenty of situations where the child does not know his two parents: as straight
couples in stable, some will thrive very well, others have difficulties, neither more nor
less. The family as we know it and that we promote, with a father, mother and some 
children, it has not always existed, does not exist in all societies and is not 
necessarily the ideal to achieve at all costs.

Equal rights is only the beginning of our struggle!

For us, in reality, the question does not arise in the same way. We believe it goes 
without saying that a human being can not be considered inferior to another because of 
gender identity, sexuality, color of skin, nationality, language that ? she speaks it, 
creed or social origin. The question is therefore not whether one is for or against 
marriage, LGBT families etc.. We are resolutely against all privileges heterosexual case.
Defend equal rights for ? te ? s always seems so important and necessary.

However, let's be clear ? e ? s: we are not begging for his "tolerance" to the state. 
Equal rights is a beautiful statement in a society that is structured by inequalities 
produced by capitalism, racist system of domination, patriarchy and heterosexism. And the
state, far from defending ourselves, largely maintains these oppressions.

As lesbians, gays, bi ? e ? s and transgender people, we suffer daily harassment, verbal 
abuse, ridicule, discharges, attacks. In 10 years, SOS Homophobia has identified 29 
homophobic murders in France. Similarly, an LGBT person in four states have been 
physically assaulted in the past decade. Difficulties we may encounter in our daily lives
are not related to our guilt, our "abnormality", our so-called mental disorders ... They 
are the result of the oppression of the rejection by the "friend ? e ? s" and family, 
murder, through stigma, discrimination in hiring, etc.. This homophobic society pushes 
suicide, especially the youngest among us. And the pressure is even greater on gays, 
lesbians, bi ? e ? s and trans classes and non-white ? he ? s, which does not have the 
money or the right color of skin access to places where we can feel safe and are therefore 
much more exposed ? e ? s heterosexist and transphobic violence.

It is only by silencing all the violence, even the smallest, can we start talking about 
equality seriously. And for this, we must build a radical opposition to patriarchy and 
heterosexism, well beyond the current struggles and timid advanced progressive socialists
living and government.

The abolition of gender: an anarchist perspective

For us, the goal is that gender determines nothing instead of individual ? e ? s, and 
the categories of men - women continue to be the standard for the organization of society. 
In terms of sexuality, this means that we take for granted stop heterosexuality of all 
people, and in particular that constantly designing men that all women are sex objects, 
potential prey should be seduce (and do not expect it). Contrary to popular belief, desire 
is a social construct internalized \: we are attracted ? e ? s by the people to whom 
society pushes us by the family and school education, the infancy narratives (the prince 
and his princess), television series, sexist advertising and pornography. Our company is 
based on compulsory heterosexuality.

In a pinch, society and those who, within it, proclaim themselves progressives, 
"authorize" a share of deviance. It is the paradigm of tolerance, one serine in all 
schools, colleges and high schools. Must "tolerate" everyone ... In this institutional 
logic, we no longer speak of inequality (wealth, access to space ...) but differences. You 
must accept the other. It is assumed that you always ? ? s ? e ? the individual s are the
same. Racism, sexism, homophobia ... Behind these words, you can not see the systems of 
domination that structure society and make some individual ? s ? e ? e ? s ? Sub-citizen ? 
s not even subhuman. We speak of ideology in erasing the materiality of oppression and 
inequality. In truth, the paradigm of "tolerance" is the conscience of the dominant. For 
us, the goal is not to obtain the blessing of the oppressor ? ? s and honest people who 
have the chance to enjoy privileges.

What we call for the abolition of the genre, is the ability to determine her sexuality 
without pressure, conscious or not, symbolic, verbal or physical. The disappearance of the 
presumption of heterosexuality makes men believe that men are willing to watch the women 
with them and laugh at their jokes and gravel that all women would love to flirt and grope 
leave. We defend a free eroticism between two or more persons who desire each other, and 
this regardless of their gender identity and / or their sex, no one comes to give them 
moral lesson or sympathetic smile or other paternalistic blessing. Apart from our (our) 
partner (s), neither the State nor person should have the right to judge our sexuality.

For an anarchist involvement in the ongoing struggles

In this sense, we advocate involvement in current struggles, participation in the debate 
as an actor ? matrix, not as a spectator ? matrix. Because it is a starting point to be 
able to think properly the equality, we support the claims that are the equal rights: can
marry, adopt or use Procreation Medically (assisted, removed from the bill and then 
re-proposed amendment on December 19, following the events of 15-16 December) for 
lesbians. We do not advocate, however, the surrogacy, we analyze as a new attempt to 
exploit women's bodies. At the same time, we are working within the movement to bring 
critical reflections on the state and patriarchal institutions such as marriage and the 
family, the problems of implementation of the LDCs in general (medicalization of women's 
bodies, using tests on women in the South) and we support movements that subvert the 
heterosexist norms of the family as many tracks to explore off the beaten path 
(cohabitation, polyamory, children's education in community , refusal of maternity etc.).
Deconstructing the genre can be done in many ways, individually and collectively. We 
believe that these two dimensions are inseparable and we encourage celleux living 
experiences and relationships h?t?ronorm?es not to politicize and to defend them against 
all who celleux arcboutent their heterosexual privilege. Defend our practices and those of 
others who are not h?t?ronorm?es is also fighting against the state and its willingness to 
codify everything, control everything: our medium-term objective is to separate the state
and sexuality, because that it has nothing to say about our bodies and what we do.

Face verbal and physical homophobic, we can not simply false answers "justice" bourgeois,
patriarchal and encourage, within the LGBT community:

- Solidarity between oppressed ? e ? s (and therefore the struggle against the temptations 
homonationalistes, Islamophobia and all other forms of racism, sexism and domination in 

- Self-organization for political self-determination, self defense, intellectual and 
physical, in case of need;

- The establishment of structures for activists and independent to each e ? to feel as 
safe as possible, confident (hotlines, help lines, safe spaces ...) to think, speak, act!

Guillaume (Paris region)

January 5, 2013

(1) "The prevalence of suicide attempts in life was estimated at 0.8% for one homosexual 
women and 1 0.2% bisexual women, against 4.9% for heterosexuals. In the case of men, the 
estimates were 2.5% for one gay and one bisexual 0.1%, against 2.8% for heterosexuals. 
"Marie-Ange Schiltz cited in the report on homophobia 201 2, p. 75. Instructive to read 
"annual reports on homophobia" SOS Homophobia http://www.sos-homophobie.org/rapportannuel

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