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maandag 16 mei 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #GERMANY #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) Germany, the platform Ruhr - 1000 people at the anarchist May 1st in Dortmund! (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 On Sunday, probably the largest anarchist demonstration in NRW in decades took

place in #Dortmund. 1000 people joined the call and ran from West Park to theport. ---- With three organized blocks, focal points were set and the topics ofcare work, precarious jobs and climate justice were brought to the fore. For theanarchist May Day in Dortmund it was a new concept that worked very well. ----The strong content expression was supplemented by a super cultural program. Theband "Schwarz-Rot Atemgold 09" created a good mood right at the beginning, theanarchist rapper Sechser from Berlin heated up the crowd before the start.The demo was consistently loud and combative, and the police didn't allow for thefact that the police wanted to prohibit an interim rally at short notice. At theappropriate point, people simply stopped and the Open Climate Meeting held itsspeech.At the final rally in Blücherpark near the Black Pigeon, a comrade from our groupgave the penultimate speech. He stressed the need for self-organization - insocial struggles as well as in a specifically anarchist organization like thePlatform.Our conclusion: Get active in structures like thatFAU Duisburg/Ruhr area, the Open Climate Meeting Dortmund or feminist groups. Butas anarchists in the Ruhr area, organize yourselves with us too! Let's Advance &Merge Battles!A list of dates for taking action can be found at the end of the organizingcommittee's demo report at http://1maidortmund.blackblogs.org. There will be anopportunity to get to know us in a few weeks, on May 20th from 8 p.m. in theBlack Pigeon at our get-to-know-you meeting!https://www.facebook.com/dpruhr/posts/549158549936063_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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