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maandag 16 mei 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #TURKEY #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) Turkey, yeryuzu postasi: No Passing to Racism! (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 Joint statement issued by anarchists from Ankara, Istanbul, Izmir and Mugla

against a recent racist campaign against immigrants: ---- The aggressive attitudetowards immigrants, which has been going on for years, has turned into a racistcampaign that has been increasing in intensity lately. While hate speech isgradually spreading in various media, especially on social media, some circles,encouraged by this atmosphere, openly declare that they are racist and call forpogroms and massacres. ---- Racists, who do not speak out against the policies ofthe states that fuel the wars, which are the cause of the refugee influx, who arenot disturbed by the fact that migrant workers are employed under heavyexploitation conditions, that women, including children, are enslaved and raped,say that they cannot bear the immigrants having fun in the city centres. The"invasion" clamor, fueled by propaganda films that spread hate and calls forpogroms, and claims and images of unknown origin, many of which are openly liesand distortions, is also supported by power partners and so-called oppositionparties that compete with each other in immigration and xenophobia. The fueledracist hysteria is preparing the ground for racist attacks similar to, perhapsmore severe than, the pogrom attempt that took place in Ankara on August 11,2021. It is understood that those who fear that the anger of the workersstruggling with poverty will be directed to power and other establishment partiesthat are candidates for power, see hostility to immigrants as a lifeline forthemselves.It is not a coincidence that xenophobia is fueled at a time when an unprecedentedwave of strikes has been experienced in the history of Turkey, the power andinfluence of the women's movement has increased visibly, and the student movementis on a recovery trend. Although we cannot predict exactly what was aimed withthis shameful campaign, of which all establishment parties from left to right arepartly a part, it should be seen that it will not only affect immigrants. It isinevitable that this racist campaign aimed at dividing the working class willalso target Kurds, Alevis, minorities, women and LGBTI+s.We are aware that the refugee issue is a problem that is getting deeper andfueling racism all over the world. However, we know very well that immigrantsfleeing wars, torture, rape or poverty are victims, not responsible, of thisproblem. The responsible for the problem is capitalism, which constantly produceswar, poverty and misery, states that serve the interests of the capitalist class,inhuman border policies and all the powers that imprison immigrants in Turkeywith the bribery agreement between the EU and Turkey. Therefore, we see no othersolution but to direct our anger in the right direction, to fight for theabolition of capitalism.We; against the poison of racism and the campaign, the Nazi leftovers, whosesupporters are unknown; We declare that we are unconditionally, unconditionally,on the side of the refugees who have been displaced and displaced by capitalismand the powers at its service. We reject any attempt to forcefully deportimmigrants, policies supported by "Goebbels tactics" against them. We would liketo remind you that everyone who is a part of this campaign and remains silent inthe face of this trend will be responsible for possible attacks, pogroms andmassacres. What needs to be done urgently today is to build a barricade againstthis growing delusion, to explain that the real enemy is not immigrants, butcapitalists who exploit us, politicians and states working for their interests,and to fight fascism with every possible means.Solidarity against Fascism!Immigrants welcome, racists out!No to the borders that divide us!A limitless, classless, free world!Anarchists from Ankara, Istanbul, Izmir and Muglahttps://www.yeryuzupostasi.org/2022/05/06/irkciliga-gecit-yok/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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