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maandag 8 april 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE GREECE - news journal UPDATE - (en) Greece, anarchism.espiv: The revolutionary practice of anarchism in Europe and the United States (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

Book Review: Zoe Baker "Means and Ends: The revolutionary practice of
anarchism in Europe and the United States" ---- Zoe Baker's book "Means
and Ends: The revolutionary practice of anarchism in Europe and the
United States" (Media and Purposes: The Revolutionary Practice of
Anarchism in Europe and the United States) is a new book published by AK
Press. The book Means and Ends focuses on the theory and practice of
anarchism during the period 1868-1939. Although limited by its
chronological and geographical approach, Means and Ends is refreshing in
its approach compared to earlier histories of anarchism. Baker, like
Felipe Correa and Robert Graham, grounds anarchism in its actual history
and practice. By not conceiving of anarchism as an abstract position of
opposition to hierarchy and the state he overcomes the weaknesses of
various liberal and Marxist historians who have also written on the subject.

This approach also allows for the nuances of the debates within the
anarchist movement to be explored, avoiding the presentation of the
usual straw men. Anarchism is thus understood as a serious, coherent
movement and ideology. For Baker anarchism has its roots in the early
labor movement of the First International. He notes how anarchism arose
out of a break with mutualism and other socialist currents. In the
process Joseph Dejacque's criticisms of Proudhon are brought out of
obscurity, and certain defining moments such as the Congresses of Basle
and St Imier stand out for their importance. After establishing the
historical emergence of anarchism, Baker traces the differences between
"mass" and "insurgent" anarchism, before delving into specific strategic
and organizational debates.

Baker places particular emphasis on the history and practice of various
iterations of trade unionism as a mass strategic focus of the anarchist
movement. This approach is a particular point of reference for the book,
exploring the differences in theory and strategy between anarchists and
syndicalists and highlighting the practical, historical application of a
methodology based on mass struggle and trade unions. Much ink has been
spilled about unionism in the past, usually in a way that obscures as
much as it clarifies. Although Means and Ends is not as detailed as a
work dedicated to the subject, Bakers approach to trade unionism and its
relationship to anarchism is clear and concise, and does enough to
dispel confusion and common mythologies.

Extending the debates around trade unionism, Baker also deals with the
history of "Particular Anarchist Organization". Moving from Bakunin to
"synthetism" and then to "Platform", Baker demonstrates that the
existence of a specifically political, revolutionary organization as a
complement to mass organization has been a consistent anarchist strategy
throughout the movement's history. Again, her approach to the subject is
useful, as it is rarely approached adequately by historians. Baker's
analysis of Bakunin's "invisible dictatorship" is particularly useful,
and her engagement with the so-called Makhno-Malatesta debate over the
"Platform" is illuminating.

If there are flaws in the book they are these: The limitations of
dealing only with Europe and the United States, which Baker herself
openly acknowledges. There are reports of anarchists in countries such
as Mexico, Japan and China. Organizations across South and Central
America, such as the Regional Labor Federation of Argentina (FORA), are
affected, albeit with little expansion. One could argue about the
specific anarchists Baker chooses to focus on, or rather not focus on.
For example, Mexican revolutionary Ricardo Flores Magon lived for a time
in the US, and during the Mexican revolution anarchists went back and
forth between the US and Mexico. Many of Magon's works are available in
English, which makes this omission interesting. However, I don't think
these massively detract from the work. A more comprehensive story of
this caliber would require not only a volume of writing but also the
ability to understand multiple languages and access to many more
sources. That would be an unrealistic expectation for a person. What
Baker accomplished with the resources and means at her disposal is

As with the geographical issue, the periodization precludes engagement
with more contemporary anarchist theories, although there are references
to contemporary anarchist theories in the conclusion which serve to
point the reader in the right direction. The categorizations Baker uses,
such as "mass" and "insurrectionary anarchism" or "syndicalism plus,"
may also oversimplify matters. Italian "insurrectionary" anarchists in
the U.S., for example, often they also joined mass unions.Nevertheless,
these are useful categories for understanding history in a basic sense,
and Baker defends her arguments well.

Baker's writing is remarkably clear. In fact, anyone familiar with her
YouTube videos probably can't help but hear her voice reading the text
in their head. Perhaps there could have been an opportunity for more
rhetorical flourishes in Means and Ends to make it a more enjoyable
read. But since Means and Ends is not a book that presents a linear
"historical narrative," what is most important is the clarity with which
the practice and ideas of anarchism's historical devotees are presented.

For someone familiar with much of the history presented, the book is
perhaps not the most exciting work, but it is extremely satisfying to
see the history of anarchism presented in a logical and coherent manner.
It is nevertheless an incredibly good introduction for those new to the
history of anarchist theory and practice.

Means and Ends will undoubtedly become a standard historical text on
anarchism, superior to previous efforts by writers such as Woodcock and
Marshall, or even van der Walt and Cappelletti.1 Means and Ends joins a
number of other more serious and scholarly works on anarchism in recent
years, such as those by Danny Evans, Jim Yeoman, Constance Bantman,
Agustin Guillamon and Troy Kokinis.
Means and Ends will be of interest to anyone who wants to seriously
understand the history and practice of anarchism. Baker's work will
undoubtedly become a defining piece of literature on the anarchist movement.

By this I mean that both Woodcock and Marshall adopt the "liberal"
analysis of anarchism, where it is defined by a vague opposition to
power. Van der Walts book "Black Flame" is unfortunately tarnished by
association with Michael Schmidt, but also tries to squeeze the likes of
James Connolly into the trade unionist category despite his clear state
socialist views. Cappelletti's book Anarchism in Latin America, by
contrast, suffers from none of the above faults, yet it is extremely dry
and is essentially a point-by-point chronology of anarchism in various
Latin American nations.

* The text was published here:

Reviewed by Tommy. Performance: Neither God Nor Master.

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