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maandag 8 april 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE GREECE - news journal UPDATE - (en) Greece, APO: Rally-Demonstration of solidarity with the Palestinian people - Thursday 21 March 2024 at 19.00, Venizelos Statue (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 On Saturday, October 7, a surprise military strike, the preparation of

which was undertaken by the Islamist Hamas, took place in southern
Israel, when the organization's gunmen stormed settlements, overcoming
the wall that Israel has built on the border with Gaza, while also
attacking a music festivals held in the area, killing civilians and
capturing hundreds of people. This was followed by some gruesome
documents showing many of the brutalities suffered by those who were
captured or in other cases the violent death of certain individuals.
These images quickly reached the world's television receivers and began
to be shown in an attempt to isolate the specific event from the general
issue that has been developing in the region for the last 75 years and
at its center is the continuous and unstoppable occupation of the
Palestinian territories by its state Israel, the multi-year total
blockade of the Gaza Strip, as well as Israel's intensifying settlement
operations in various areas, mainly in the West Bank. But as much as
they cause logical disgust, these images are nothing more than the
derivative of a barbarism that must end, that of the occupation of the
territories and the genocide of the Palestinian people.
The fact that the Palestinian people are the weakest link in this
continuing chain of violence which is a product of military occupation
cannot be changed by the fact that Hamas seems to have upgraded its
military power. We, as anarchists, do not justify anything that goes
beyond our own value code in the way and means we use in the battle
against a stronger and better equipped enemy, while the ideal and goals
of any politico-religious organization find us opposed, yet we consider
that we have nothing to apologize to those who, with unimaginable
hypocrisy, shed tears only for the victims of their allies, while
turning a blind eye to the massacres of civilians, the bombing of
hospitals, the blockade and the policy of apartheid supported by Israel
against the Palestinians people for decades. And they happen to be the
powerful of the world again: the US government, NATO, the EU, all the
countries of the West, Greece and with them all the known bastards of
the far right, who put aside for now their real and abysmal
anti-Semitism, just because Israel is a strong pole in the geopolitical
system and they are investing in new fears by promoting a modern
Israel is an internationally recognized state, its citizens are normal
citizens and has the support of the most powerful coalitions of military
and political power on the planet, while the Palestinians (especially in
Gaza) are an unrecognized body politic, whose inhabitants are considered
in the category of the "killable population". The horrific statements of
the Israeli Defense Minister that the residents of Gaza are animals are
nothing more than a prelude to genocide and ethnic cleansing, as can be
seen from the course of the military conflicts. The new alliance in the
government of Israel between the right and the extreme right
intensifying settlements and displacements is shaping, as it has full
force, new impasses leading with mathematical precision to another
bloodbath. The universal despair and the need of all homogeneous
political bodies for collective dignity also leads to the logic of the
Resistance until the end.
In addition, the criminal tying of Greece, as a country that plays the
role of the first guide in all the plans of the Euro-Atlantic Coalition,
the USA and NATO, the absolute identification and alliance with Israel,
which reached the unheard of ridiculousness of a Greek prime minister
attempting to visit a war zone, lead the country down very dangerous war
paths, while leaving the social base exposed to the just struggle of the
Palestinian people, eroding whatever bridges of solidarity and support
the country had historically formed.
Today, three and a half months later, according to an announcement by
the Palestinian Ministry of Health, the dead in the Gaza Strip amount to
23,843, of which the number of students killed is 4,327, while another
7,819 have been injured. Gaza's health system has already collapsed
while health and humanitarian aid workers are unable to work due to the
clashes with many of them losing their lives. At the same time hunger is
being used as a weapon against the Palestinian people with the food
system collapsing and access to basic resources being cut off.

We call on the whole world, workers, students, progressive citizens and
those who can understand that we cannot remain idle in the face of a new
genocide that is currently unfolding live in front of our eyes. The cry
of the Jewish protester in London at the beginning of the war that when
we say Holocaust again we mean against anyone, let it be a guide to the
Peace that can exist through real justice, the total liberation of
peoples from nationalism, religion, racism and intolerance.

- Withdrawal of Israeli occupation forces from Palestine.
- To lift the blockade in Gaza. Free access to electricity, water, food
& medical care.
- No military ground or other operations in Gaza. To oppose the policies
of extermination of the Palestinian people.
- Stop the settlements and apartheid against the Palestinians
- Support for those fighting against the death policy in Israel.
Strength in the voices of resistance against the authoritarian far-right
Netanyahu regime. Solidarity with conscientious objectors to
conscription in Israel


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