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donderdag 23 mei 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE ITALY - news journal UPDATE - (en) Italy, UCAD'I #184 - The crisis of the "Islamic plate" (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

To try to understand what is happening in the Gaza Strip, in the West
Bank and Israel, it is necessary to place the chronicle of events within
the global strategic plan aimed at redefining the geostrategic and
economic balances of a multipolar, plate world . The ongoing clash
concerns the "Islamic plate" that goes from Afghanistan to the shores of
the Mediterranean and has offshoots that extend along the Mediterranean
as far as Morocco and eastwards towards the former Soviet
Turkic-speaking Asian republics. This area is characterized by high
political heterogeneity and great instability, determined by the great
division that characterizes the Islamic world, marked not only by the
division between Shiites and Sunnis, but also by the division into
religious and political families of peoples who inhabit the various
state entities present on this vast territory. The area is affected by
the growing ambitions of Turkey which wants to rebuild the imperial
dream that was the Ottoman Empire, an area that goes from Africa to the
Islamophobic former Soviet Republics of Central Asia; Saudi Arabia,
which proclaims itself as the leader of the Sunni component of Islam,
strengthened by the fact that it safeguards two of the sacred places of
Islam. Medina and Mecca; Tehran which hosts the Islamic Republic of
Shiite inspiration and proclaims itself the capital of Shiism and, at
the extreme eastern edge, Pakistan, a nuclear power, which in turn plays
a role in the area of the Indian sub-continent, while distant Indonesia,
the more populous than the Islamic countries, it lies on another area,
the Indo-Pacific plate.
An effort to unite this very composite area or at least the most
homogeneous and relevant part of it had been completed within the Bricks
thanks to the initiative and merit of Chinese foreign policy which had
promoted reconciliation between Saudi Arabia and Iran, which resulted in
the agreement to de-escalation the relations of the two countries,
signed on 10 March by Iran and Saudi Arabia in Beijing with Chinese
mediation which represented a highly relevant evolution of relations
between states in the context of a region, that of the Gulf Perch.[1]
In this context, different objectives were pursued by the Abraham
Accords,[2]created through the initiative of the Trump administration,
but remained unimplemented due to the end of his mandate. The agreement
promoted by China had been possible thanks to the reduced interest in
the initiative on the part of the Biden administration which had left
the field open to Chinese diplomacy, but above all it had been
facilitated by the withdrawal of the United States from Afghanistan
which seemed to leave room for Chinese and Russian diplomacy to better
operate in the area with projections towards the Islamic world. Thus,
taking advantage of the good relations between Russia and Iran, using
the lines of communication between the members of OPEC (which includes
Saudi Arabia, Russia, Iran) - Chinese diplomacy was able to achieve a
result that surprised the various international interlocutors .
In view of the expiration of his presidential mandate, Biden, burdened
by war, Ukraine and in need of achieving results in foreign policy to
better gain credibility before the electorate, restarted the initiative
of the Abraham Protocols which should have been signed by the end of 2023.

The "New way of cotton"

To integrate this initiative, Biden reformulated the project, renaming
it the "New Cotton Road" which was supposed to constitute the
alternative to the "Silk Road." This project led to the signing of a
memorandum signed in New Delhi on the sidelines of the G20 work, it
consists of the creation of an economic corridor between India, the
Middle East and Europe, it involves the creation of a network of
railways, ports and energy connections. The countries involved are the
United States, India, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Germany,
France, Italy and the European Union. The project should develop along
two lines, railway and maritime, which will connect India to the Gulf
through a network of railways and ports aimed at improving trade and
energy flows from South Asia to the Persian Gulf and with the aim of
reach Europe, passing through Jordan and Israel, having the port of
Haifa as a terminal on the Mediterranean.[3]
The intentions of the new corridor will be to reconfigure trade between
the countries of Europe, the Persian Gulf and South Asia, significantly
reducing the time needed to transport goods between these nations and
will allow us to counter China in trade relations with Europe.
The project provides resources of 600 billion dollars to support low-
and middle-income countries in building sustainable infrastructure and
the initiative is aligned with the Global Gateway, launched by the
European Commission in 2021 to mobilize financing of up to 300 billion
euros for infrastructure projects in developing countries
. Both Saudi Arabia, the world's top oil exporter, and the United Arab
Emirates, the financial center of the Middle East, have for years sought
to protect themselves from any disruption to trade and energy routes
that now pass exclusively through the Suez Canal.
Objectively, the signing of this new agreement allows a new split in the
Islamic plate, and obliges some countries to recognize Israel as an
interlocutor, definitively liquidating the Palestinian question, leaving
that while the population of Gaza was wasting away under the
dictatorship of Hamas in a camp of open-air concentration, Israel could
have continued undisturbed to practice its policy of apartheid in
Jordan, continuing with the progressive but constant liquidation of its
population, expropriated of all rights and goods.
In the new context of international relations, Hamas's insurrectionary
plan found space, long prepared with the quiescence of the Netanyahu
government, which by recognizing the terrorist organization as the
interlocutor and manager of the strip, had given the organization the
opportunity to prepare to lead the attack that in
effects then took place on 7 October, giving rise to the massacre of the
citizens of the Jewish State who had the sole fault of finding
themselves living near the strip and who were part of the population of
the country most dedicated to a possible dialogue with the Islamic world
, abducting more than 200 people, including women, old people and
children, practicing all kinds of violence against them.

The genocide of the inhabitants of Gaza

For six months the army of the Jewish State, led by the butcher
Netanyahu, has been massacring the population of the strip, destroying
everything it finds, having already caused 34,000 deaths, thousands of
injured and disabled people, unspeakable suffering, hunger, malnutrition
and misery, while he is not seen at the end of the slaughter.
This horror that outrages the world has alienated the Jewish State from
the sympathy of public opinion in the West, has led its supporters and
those who have a guilty conscience due to their anti-Semitic past and
the persecution of Judaism to demonstrate their solidarity, making
leverage on the bad conscience for what was the Shoah and the holocaust
of the Jewish people by Nazism.
What we pretend not to understand is that solidarity towards the
Palestinian population is not a manifestation of anti-Semitism, but of
opposition to Zionism, a nationalist political doctrine which supports
the need for the existence of a Jewish state, custodian of the messianic
destiny of the people Jewish, favored by the one God, who is destined to
prevail over other peoples thanks to the pact that binds him to the one
God and to whom Palestine has been given exclusively, from the banks of
the Jordan to the sea, without other peoples being able to live there at
the same time .
After six months in which a torrent of destruction and fire poured into
Gaza, with the growth of the ruins, the horror of the suffering, the
deaths, the amputated limbs, the hunger, the desperation and the terror
. The solidarity of the world ended up converging on the population of
the strip, forced to live in inhuman conditions, in an
increasingly smaller portion of territory, while the neighboring states
refused to welcome them for fear of retracing past experiences,
importing refugees destined to remain eternally such and to constitute
an active destabilizing political component for the authoritarian
regimes that govern them. At the same time, the repression of the native
population of the West Bank is growing, where an increasingly harsh and
radical apartheid is in force and the murders and attacks of the
settlers, their violence, their abuse of power towards the native
population, are increasing every day.

The Iranian intervention

While the Israeli army is preparing to carry out the final assault on
the Palestinian enclave in which the population of Gaza is currently
crammed, the Jewish State has expanded its sphere of action and decided,
proceeding with the targeted killings in which it is expert, to destroy
with a missile attack an Iranian diplomatic headquarters in Syria to
eliminate members of the Iranian Pasdaran corps (16 people), responsible
for maintaining connections with the Shiite political-military
formations (Hamas, Houthis, Hezbollah, Iraqi Hezbollah Kataib) which
constitute the anti-Zionist front that supports the Palestinian
struggle. This is a consolidated practice adopted by the Jewish State,
but also adopted by the United States which reserves the right to
"punish", with targeted killings and regardless of where they are,
opponents of their policy who they consider to be part of terrorist
groups and formations .
However, this time the Islamic Republic, in order not to lose face in
front of the other Arab states and the same resistance groups against
the Jewish state, decided to react through a calibrated response. 72
hours in advance, the chancelleries in all the states involved in the
conflict or otherwise interested were informed that the Islamic Republic
would attack the territory of the State of Israel with a launch of
drones and missiles, thus providing the attacked party with the
possibility of organizing your own defense. On the night of April 14,
around 300 devices of various kinds were launched towards military
targets located in Israeli territory and intercepted by US, British and
French planes which took off from fleets sailing in the Red Sea and from
Western bases in the area to counter the attacks. Houthi missile
launches. In destroying the bombs, an important role was played by the
Jordanian air force, an Arab country, but linked to Great Britain, which
plays a spearhead role in the group of states which at the time were
ready to sign the Abraham Accords, States that belong to a secret
alliance that has a system of mutual protection and sighting to combat
the Islamic Republic and which certainly includes Saudi Arabia and part
of the Gulf Emirates. The activity and coordination of the Islamic
States willing to sign the Abraham Accords and interested in the "New
Cotton Road" project was thus restored, but the taboo of deterrence and the
Israeli defensive doctrine was definitively broken, even if revitalized
by a tenuous further response.
Although at the end of the action, which we could define as
demonstrative, the Islamic Republic declared that it considered the
dispute with Israel closed, regarding the bombing of its diplomatic
representation, the Jewish State cannot bear that events have
demonstrated that its territory is reachable from his enemies.
The attack demonstrates that the Jewish State's strategy of preventive
dissuasion towards its enemies is now overcome by the growing offensive
capabilities of its enemies and therefore further retaliatory action,
although not recommended by the United States and other Western
partners. For the time being, the most coveted objective remains to be
achieved: the destruction of the uranium enrichment plants developed by
the Iranian government to equip itself with nuclear weapons.
At the same time, Israel does not renounce the annihilation of the
population of Gaza, with the aim of making the strip colonizable with
the prospect of claiming full and exclusive right to exploit the immense
oil and gas deposits discovered off the coast which could, if it were
the cancellation of the Palestinian entity in Gaza, more easily be
divided exclusively between Israelis and Egyptians, eliminating the
third wheel constituted by the population living on the coast.

The kingdom of evil

If these are the facts in summary, some considerations are necessary,
especially in the face of the fact that the local press and Western
politicians present, as usual, what is happening as a clash between good
and evil and continue to repeat that the only democracy in the Middle
East is Israel and that it must be defended against the Muslim,
illiberal states that surround it, dominated by an obscurantist
theocracy like the Iranian one which denies all freedom. For this reason
they bless the war and try to accredit the idea that only an external
defeat can bring freedom and
democracy back to many, if not all of these states. This statement
constitutes a clear falsehood and, to demonstrate it, it is enough to
reflect on some of the characteristics of the States involved.
Israel is formally a Western democratic state, where however the same
man has reigned unchallenged for 14 years, with various expedients, not
least war and who, although the subject of a cluster of criminal
measures, remains unchallenged in power, after having attempted to the
democratic and constitutional organization of the State and after having
committed crimes on which the courts have not had the opportunity to
rule, thanks to the undisputed possession of political power. Nor does
it serve to mitigate his responsibilities by pointing out that Netanyahu
does not enjoy the support of a large part of the population, nor is it
enough to maintain that Israeli society is so democratic and solid as to
deserve the respect of the international community, if we consider that
he occupies the West Bank and that on this territory exercises apartheid
against the indigenous population, persecuting them and suppressing
their rights.
Jordan is a country governed by the Hashemite monarchy, formally
independent but vassal of the United Kingdom, which in fact works in
concert with Israel to control the Palestinian population which
constitutes a large part of the country's inhabitants and is directly
involved in the New Cotton Road. Neighboring Iraq is a country
devastated by the war against Saddam Hussein led by the United States,
inventing the existence of non-existent chemical weapons to justify the
aggression and today transformed into a balkanized country for religious
groups. when it was the most developed, the most westernized, the most
secular of the Arab countries. In Lebanon, a country in which a
perennial guerrilla war is underway with the Jewish state and against
which numerous attacks by the latter have been recorded, is today a
divided, bankrupt country in the hands of various political-mafia and
power groups religious. What can we say about Egypt whose government is
governed by a dictator whose methods the Italians had the opportunity to
appreciate during the Regeni case!
No solidarity can be shown on our part to the government of Iran which
represents the sum of what we anarchist communists, secularists and
enemies of religious obscurantism, abhor. In the country - as is known -
a civil and gender war is underway which sees women oppressed, rebelling
against the chauvinism and paternalism of the regime, which
sees trade union freedoms repressed, which sees every civil freedom
trampled upon and the economy in hand to the Pasdaran corporation, under
the control of the clergy. However, we are convinced that the liberation
of the Iranian people can only come from their struggle and cannot
depend on external help from forces that say they are fighting the
regime in the name of democracy, but in reality are aiming for the
country's resources and its oil .
The regime in force in Saudi Arabia and those that characterize the
governments of the Gulf Emirates, supporters of values, of ethics, of
principles that deny any glimmer of social justice and civil liberties,
cause us equally solid revulsion. We are convinced that all societies
must be allowed to develop their own path of emancipation and
secularization which can only occur as a result of the participation of
populations in the confrontation between social classes in the context
of a definitive overcoming of colonial legacies and logics and with the
choice of our own paths, convinced as we are of the non-superiority of
the Western liberal model and democracy.
However, for each of these societies, for each of these peoples, we
believe that emancipation can only come from within the various
countries themselves and that it cannot be the result of the so-called
"export of democracy" which is nothing more than a form of new
colonialism and restoration of the dominance of Western countries over
this area of the world.

[1]The text of the agreement signed in Beijing provides as an initial
objective the reopening of the respective diplomatic offices, closed in
2016, within two months of the signing of the agreement and the
implementation of two important multilevel cooperation documents signed
between the end of 1990s and early 2000s, during what was one of the
periods of greatest dialogue between Iran and Saudi Arabia.
[2]The Abraham Accords, proposed by the Trump administration, reached on
August 13, 2020, aimed at the normalization of diplomatic relations
between Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, other Arab states,
Israel and the United States, should have been
signed immediately before of October 7th in the version of "Nuova via
del cotone".
[3]The signing of the memorandum was announced during the ' Partnership
for global infrastructure and investment and India-Middle East-Europe
economic corridor ' event to enhance the Partnership for Global
Infrastructure and Investment (Pgii), created by the G7.


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